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크~ 슼 완벽하네~ 또 뱅이 언급한대로 락스가 세계 2위팀인거 증명해줌 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Damn~ SKT is perfect~, Like Bang said they just proved Rox Tigers are the 2nd best team in the world ㅋㅋㅋ
진짜 게임 조까치한다 ㄷㄷ..
"how bizarre SKT plays due to their perfection"; (G2)
락스가 세계 2위라는걸 보여주겠다던 뱅의 말이 떠올랐던 경기
A match that reminded me of Bang saying that they will show Rox Tigers are the 2nd best team in the world.
아 하도 EU뽕쟁이들이 G2G2 거리길래 좀 기대했는데 와카랑 똑같네 뭐
Oh man the EU band wagoners kept saying G2G2 so I was expected them to do decently but they're just the same as the Wildcard team.
브>실>골 이런게 사실상 자기네들끼리는 실력차이가 있을진몰라도 위에 챌린저가 봤을때는 브론즈나 실버나골드나 다똑같은법이지요. skt입장에서는 와카나 g2나 똑같음 물론 g2가 와카보다는 잘하겠지만 skt입장에서는 머 ㅋㅋ 브실골이지요 ㅋㅋ
Bronze, Silver, Gold, there might be a difference in skill between the other regions, but in the eyes of a Challenger they're all the same. In SKT's perspective G2 and Wildcard are the same thing. I mean of course G2 would be better than the Wildcard team, but for SKT ㅋㅋㅋ they're just bronze/silver/gold.
진짜 Skt 5명옆에 av배우 붙여놔도 우승 할수있을것같다
I think even if they put a pornstar in front of the SKT squad when they play they'd still win
Some other interesting comments
머여 벌써 끝낫어?
wat it's over already?
LCK 말고는 날이 갈수록 못해지네...
Every region is getting worse progressively apart from LCK...
오히려 와카팀보다 못버티네 일방적 학살이었음
They couldn't even last longer than the Wild Card team, what a domination...
진짜 딱 1분 50초 미니언 도착 직전까지만 G2가 기분 좋았고 그 뒤로는 아무것도 없었음... 1부리그 2부리그 5부리그 드립이 그냥 드립이 아닌 거 같다. LCK 5,6위 선에서 정리 가능해 보임.
There is so much of a skill gap I'm speechless... G2 were doing okay up to the one minute and 50 mark before the minions arrived and after that they were gone... That best region 2nd best region 5th best region meme is not a meme.The 5th and 6th best LCK teams should be able to beat them.
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리그 4위 진어 EM 첫경기 광탈
LCK 4th team Jin Air went to IEM and lost on the first round.