Welcome to Dr. Gecko's daily Talkshow, today's theme: Paranoia, or not? Is my neighbour really the scumbag I think he is?
We start out with the first event of the day, our top seller - "Participants read "honest" tweets"
Nevermind that then. The show quickly follows our discussion round, which features the following statements:
Celetuiw: Help me, I'm a participant, but I don't really know what I'm doing. Get me out of here!
Maulwurf: I can only post in a shitty font and try to dodge Justin Bieber.
Ursus: I'm still not sure
Meise: I go with the atheist's position as well, even though I really don't want to
BigD: Has anyone an idea what I should do with the lotion and the bag?
Shadox: I'm still fighting the oppression of the patriarchs by pointing out how language itself serves the function of constantly repeating the pattern of male dominated enslavement of pan-sexual goats... and women.
Bowser: That's because your princess is in another of my castles cross fitting.
Schops: The sheep is not a creature of the air. Watch how it tries to climb the tree...
Mazelo: I do prefer smurfs over castles, Bowser.
UglyBastard: I is of having problems with the computer. Time to fix it with sledge hammer. Yes.
Fast Forward to our TIME PRESSURE ROUND. All candidates have 10 minutes time to vote one of their least favourite invites so far. Tick, tock, tick, tock. Look how the trains come circling in, and who's that, who?
And iiit's Shadox, because radical pan-sexualism is so 2013. Hello gurls, we're totally into coffein-free moccachinos with extra low amounts of fat, sugar, gluten and uranium!
Shadox ist tot, er war Town, Vanilla