Patch Notes zu Patch 5.2:
Recruit A Friend is here!
Invite friends to play Hearthstone and gain cool rewards!
ALL your recruits can earn a free Classic pack!
Earn free Classic card packs for up to four more recruits!
Pick up the new Shaman hero, Morgl The Oracle, when your first recruit achieves 20 combined levels across all classes.
New icons make it easier for spectators to figure out which game mode you are playing.
Golden Priest, Rogue, and Neutral cards are now easier to tell apart.
Golden Hero Powers are now displayed correctly in the Arena.
Tinyfin Beach - Get this card back by achieving Rank 20 or higher in Ranked Play during the month of July.
Silithid Swarmer is now a Beast.
Khadgar's portrait now has a drop shadow.
The Collection Manager now more accurately displays new cards.
The experience bar will no longer fill up after winning a game at max level.
Wild card rarity now displays properly when viewing flavor text.
Golden C'Thun's buff animation is now gold, gold, GOLD!
Players should no longer appear as UNKNOWN after reconnecting.
Fixed some audio, graphical, and UI issues.
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