"Heimerdinger is ready for PBE. PBE is ready for Heimerdinger. It is time.
Heimerdinger players have done an excellent job of showing us what makes them passionate, and our goal with the rework was to make those elements more interactive. To that end, reinventing the Revered Inventor meant adding depth of play to all of his active skills.
Heimerdinger’s new tools are loaded with opportunities to express skill, both in ability mastery and in overall strategy. He has the tenacity to recover from his failures and the power to define the game with his successes. From his first tinkering to his fiftieth victory, Heimerdinger’s power scales with creativity.
Passive: Techmaturgical Repair Bots
•Heimerdinger gives nearby allied champions and H-28G Evolution Turrets bonus health regeneration per 5 seconds.
•10/15/20/25/30 Hp5
Q: H-28G Evolution Turret
•Places a Turret at target location. Turret attacks and beams prioritize Heimerdinger’s targets and enemies attacking Heimerdinger. Their Health increases with Heimerdinger’s champion level and they shut down eight seconds after he moves out of the area.
•Heimerdinger generates a Turret Kit every 24/23/22/21/20 seconds (modified by CDR), and can hold up to 1/1/2/2/3 Kits at once.
•Mana Cost: 20
•Cooldown: 1
H-28G Evolution Turret Stats
•Health: 150 (+25 / Champion level)
•Attack - Cannon: 15/22/29/36/42 (+0.125 AP) magic damage
•Attack - Beam: 50/75/100/125/150 (+0.5 AP) magic damage in a line, 12 second cooldown
•Maximum Turrets: 3
W: Hextech Micro-Rockets
•Unleashes a barrage of 5 rockets that converge towards your cursor and fan out past it. Each rocket deals 60/90/120/150/180 (+0.45 AP) magic damage.
•Enemies that are hit by more than one rocket take 20% magic damage for each additional rocket, max 105/160/215/270/325. Minions take 60% instead.
•Targeting the rockets closer to Heimerdinger increases their spread.
•Mana Cost: 70/80/90/100/110
•Cooldown: 11
E: CH-1 Electron Storm Grenade
•Hurls a grenade that deals 60/100/140/180/220 (+0.6 AP) magic damage to enemy units and slows their Movement Speed by 35% for 2 seconds. Enemies in the center of the blast are also stunned for 1.25 seconds.
•Mana Cost: 85
•Cooldown: 18/16/14/12/10
•Heimerdinger's next basic spell is free and has bonus effects.
•H-28Q Apex Turret: Places a Turret that deals 90/110/130 (+0.33 AP) magic damage with its cannon and 225/300/375 (+0.8 AP) magic damage with its beam for 8 seconds.
•Hextech Rocket Swarm: Fires 4 waves that deal 135/180/225 magic damage each. Champions and Monsters hit by multiple rockets take reduced damage, max 550/750/950 (+1.8 AP).
•CH-3X Lightning Grenade: Throws a grenade that discharges three times, dealing 150/200/250 (+0.6 AP) magic damage each time. Both the stun and slow areas are larger and the slow is improved to 80%.
•Cooldown: 100/80/60
•Mana Cost: 100
Our goal with these changes is to give Heimerdinger the tools he needs to keep being Heimerdinger, while making him a deeper, more satisfying champion to play as and against. The essence of Heimerdinger is very well-explored by his passionate fanbase, and happily has nothing to do with the elements that made him toxic: a pattern of non-engagement and low skill differentiation.
For instance, auto-aiming rockets feel good but can’t play with the other guy in creep waves. Switching that to a variable “rocket shotgun” skillshot lets Heimerdinger do more cool things while giving the other guy a chance to play too.
The Revered Inventor is a challenging theme to get right, but any good blueprint rests atop a mountain of crumpled almost-theres. We’ve learned a lot from the journey and from feedback players have given us on earlier iterations. Heimerdinger is stronger for it, and it’s our hope that this time on PBE will polish him even more.
One last thing: RAISE YOUR TURRETS!"