Alex ist ein Biest.
hat Alternate eigentlich ein Team? Die sind doch auch deutsch
Alex ist ein Biest.
hat Alternate eigentlich ein Team? Die sind doch auch deutsch
Wann war Alex denn das letzte mal gut? 2012?
rookie & kakao habe ihre verträge bei kt nicht verlängert und wollen sich angeblich chinesischen teams anschließen. crazy scheiss...
dada zu benchen war nach seinen bisherigen leitungen jetzt auch nicht grade der krasse promove.
in einem laufenden Turnier ist sowas noch nie passiert, auch wenn Dada allen grund dazu hatte gebencht zu werden
First, we’re going to be increasing the number of objectives for junglers to take and control, with the goal of giving them more tools to set up plays in a game. We’ll be testing a concept where each camp gives an extra reward when Smite is used on it, with rewards like counter-jungling protection, increased lane safety, or increased vision control of the map. These mini-objectives should create more variance in jungle routes while also leading to more jungler vs. jungler interaction.
Second, we’re planning to increase the base difficulty of the jungle. Up front: this does make the jungle a more complex place (especially for those new to it), but this is something we feel will be necessary as we continue to promote real diversity in the position. Ultimately we want to create a world where a player can pick up Xin Zhao, Warwick, or Hecarim in the jungle just as easily as they can find a place for Elise, Lee Sin, or Kha’Zix. By increasing the durability and damage of jungle camps, junglers will start to value a wider array of strengths. Jungle clear speeds end up having greater differentiation and gradation; area-effect vs. single target, sustained vs. burst, etc, where previously most had enough power to take any camp with similar, minimal costs. The balance between healthy jungling and fast jungling becomes extremely important as high sustain junglers can clear with less risk while fast junglers have the potential for big payoffs alongside higher chances of disruption.