Lief gestern so scheisse das heute TL doch wieder Dardoch spielen lässt. Wahrscheinlich seine Suspendierung direkt nach dem Debakel gestern abgelaufen was ein Zufall. Ernsthaftiges Team ist ernsthaftig.
Oh mein Gott, wer hätte das kommen sehenPeke absofort starting AD bei OG
Seine Suspendierung ist Donnerstag schon abgelaufen, war halt dumm, dass TL erst 5 Tage nach der Suspendierung bekannt gegeben hat, dass sie ihn suspendieren, aber sie haben wohl vorher versucht ihn los zu werden.
Leider hat DL einfach recht, das Team ist Piglet und wenn Piglet nicht Feder ist gewinnen Sie nicht und das funktioniert halt im Jahr 2016 nicht mehr wirklich.
Short story here if you want drama you came to the wrong place,
I went to origen with the mindset to try to qualify for worlds instead of taking the easy way out and skipping entire summer split (which ultimately happened but it was worth trying). However we lost about 90% of scrims in last 2 weeks and especially after i saw the Hjarnan news (not playing due to motivation issues) i came into realization that i couldn't keep up with competitive league of legends at least at this point including the previously depressing playoff defeats from 2016 spring playoff run.
After numerous talks we had i thought something needed to be changed and so i took the decision to take an indefinite break from League, since i was playing more Overwatch than the game i was being payed to play (combination of not having fun anymore to play the game for at least one and a half year and being introduced to another), and even if i was at a good/golden mediocrity level, i never wanted to keep anyone behind and so for the change to happen so early even if it wont help Origen (probably) in the short run its better that it happened now than later or after the season. I didn't left Origen on bad terms nor i major clashed with someone from the team. They will have more chances of qualifying for Worlds with a younger player that is hungry to play and do stuff than someone who hasn't mentally recovered from previous spring's losses and lacks motivation.
If you were watching this page from about 2015 you can remember similar posts to what i mentioned before. I obviously recognise that this will leave a negative vibe for the future, in general all those years i gave it everything i had and all i got back was some individual achievements in the past (just saying that having best 'KDA' doesnt mean shit for me) and disappointing playoff runs/IEM results along with multiple organisations not being able to treat their teams decently (excluding H2K, cant judge OG since i was for short time there).
TL;DR Break from competitive league for indefinite amount of time.
Will see what happens from spring and after since i got an army deferrment for a long time. I will be doing my internship in the meantime (finished physiotherapy before i joined LCS with CW).
Cica, Gedanken zu Ruler
Jo wobei es Riot da momentan eher um China geht als um NA/EU. Ist halt trotzdem lächerlich Bjergsen und Co damals bei Regeländerung zu Natives zu machen und dem Rest zu sagen das es jetzt 2 Jahre sind nur um dann nach 1,5 Jahren zu sagen das es jetzt 4 sind. Riot schadet LoL als Esport durch diese Gutsherrenart gerade massiv.
Piglet besterESPN: After beating them today, Phoenix1 is now 0-5 and are dead last in the standings. What do you think of them as a team, and what do you think they could possibly do to improve their ranking?
Piglet: So just looking at it from a mechanical level, it's way too low. Their gameplay in general is really bad. To call themselves pros, it's like -- seeing these guys in the LCS is kind of disheartening.