- Mitglied seit
- 02.08.2002
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- 2.930
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Wieder ein paar neue Details über die "Friedensaktivisten":
Und hier noch eine Lagebeurteilung aus Russland:
Gazastreifen: Märtyrer“ an Board des Schiffskonvois
Am Montag starben neun Menschen bei der Erstürmung des Schiffskonvoi durch israelische Soldaten. An Board des internationalen Schiffskonvois mit Hilfsgütern für den Gazastreifen befanden sich türkische Gaza-Aktivisten. Drei der Aktivisten wollten als „Märtyrer“ wieder kommen, sagten Verwandte. Alle vier Muslime wurden getötet. (..)
Alle vier türkischen Todesopfer der Aktion stammten aus islamistischen Kreisen, berichteten mehrere Zeitungen am Mittwoch. Drei der frommen Muslime sagten demnach vor der Abfahrt des Schiffskonvois zu Verwandten oder Freunden, sie wollten als „Märtyrer“ sterben. (..)
Den türkischen Zeitungsberichten zufolge war ein bei der Aktion getöteter türkischer Aktivist ein früherer Student der Al-Azhar-Universität in Kairo, eines Zentrums islamischer Bildung. Zwei weitere waren freiwillige Helfer der islamischen Hilfsorganisation IHH, die den Schiffskonvoi geleitet hatte, das vierte Opfer soll ein Anhänger der islamistischen Partei FP gewesen sein.
Und hier noch eine Lagebeurteilung aus Russland:
Would My Flotilla to Khodorkovsky Be Shot?
Israeli defense forces intercepted a flotilla with humanitarian aid headed for blockaded Gaza, killing at least nine people and causing an international scandal. The activists knew long in advance that their flotilla would be intercepted. In fact, that is how they planned it from the start.
Now I have a question.
Consider former Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a man whom I believe the authorities imprisoned unjustly. What would happen if I announced that on a certain day I would crawl into Khodorkovsky’s prison cell to deliver humanitarian aid — and then I actually did it? I would be shot, of course.
What would have been my motivation for breaking into prison? To deliver humanitarian aid? Of course not. I would have done it to provoke an attack and, if I were lucky, to be shot in the process.
If the goal of the flotilla was to deliver humanitarian aid, why didn’t the organizers agree to dock in the Israeli port of Ashdod, which was offered for that purpose? For that matter, why didn’t they dock in Egypt, a sympathetic Arab country that shares a border with Gaza? I’ll tell you why: Egypt didn’t want them, either.
The goal of the activists was not to deliver aid to the people of Gaza but to rack up dead bodies. From the standpoint of the organizers, the ideal ending would have been if the Israeli navy had sunk the entire flotilla.
There is a very good reason why Israel is blockading Gaza. The territory is governed by Hamas, which has the professed goal of destroying Israel and is recognized by some Western governments as a terrorist organization. If activists had wanted to send a flotilla to Osama bin Laden carrying “humanitarian aid” of suspect content, would the authorities be obliged to let it pass unchecked?
Unfortunately, in Gaza we are dealing not only with militants but with a bloodthirsty strategy that long ago abandoned the goal of achieving the maximum possible number of enemy dead. Now Hamas strives to maximize the number of their own women and children killed as human shields in order to win support from the gullible element of world opinion. (..)