Original geschrieben von RiNtArO
Hm ich fass mal zusammen..
Ich kauf mir das Spiel also zum vollen Preis aber ohne LAN weil das B.net 2 so toll ist und ich deswegen eh keinen LAN mehr brauche muss aber dann damit rechnen das B.net 2 zu diesem zeitpunkt noch garnit läuft...
Ich wollte es mir ja auch noch ohne LAN kaufen aber so langsam überleg ich mir das wirklich...
Das ist imo nur eine schreckliche ÜBersetzung mit dem Ziel "Schlagzeilen" zu machen, im Orginal:
Dustin Browder: I don't know. Let's try. Let's see where they stop us, right? [laughs]
I can't tell you a whole lot because in reality, anything I say might be a lie. We're still working on it, and it's kind of up in the air. I kind of wish it wasn't, but it kind of is. What you saw today is not where we're going. It's a version that we have that has a lot of problems that we don't like. It was never meant to be the final version, but we're getting further and further away from that being close to the final version. We're trying to do more and more stuff.
We're hoping to have support for casual leagues, support for professional leagues, hardcore leagues. Hoping to do a lot more with friends, more with replay sharing. A lot of it you can probably guess, but what makes ship, what doesn't, what comes in later patches--what we decide to do with it exactly does depend. And I've got a design meeting today, and it's about what's going on with Battle.net.
Shack: So it's all up in the air then.
Dustin Browder: There's just a lot more work to do. I could probably show you a full flow of Battle.net today, but I guarantee tomorrow it would be a little different. So work is going on on that, but at the same time the design is "wheeeeeeeee!" And where it's at in the schedule is also sort of free-form right now.
Richtig wäre eine Übersetzung dieseraArt:
Das Bnet 2.0 befindet sich noch in der Entwicklung, SC2 kommt mit Bnet 2.0 relaunch, auch wenn dessen Features nach und nach weiterentwickelt werden.
Wenn man deas Interview weiterliest, so stellt man fest, dass auch mit den Addons weiterentwicklungen des Bnet wohl einhergehen.