Wundervoll, Drama geht weiter
2016-03-07 06:18 UTC
Teams are shouting at the staff here as the majority of everyone's gear has been either packed away, lost or stolen.
teamsecretdota2This is what all the teams have woken up to this morning. These are the practice rooms. What remains is hopefully all our gear, we had laptops in this room and a ton of other personal stuff. No heads up about this was given to the teams.
VP.Dramer: "Organaizers cleared out practice rooms at night without telling a single word to anybody, they just threw our personal stuff to the hall. That's totally fucked up!"
https://www.instagram.com/p/BCpDDUqEdP_/ - Secret's room
https://www.instagram.com/p/BCpFagMEdCh/ - "The practice room floor corridor right now."
https://www.instagram.com/p/BCpNqA-EdNA/ - "The war zone"
Secret twitter guy: "This is what all the teams have woken up to this morning. These are the practice rooms. What remains is hopefully all our gear, we had laptops in this room and a ton of other personal stuff. No heads up about this was given to the teams. ������"
"We're currently trying to locate a bunch of our gear. We just saved 1437's laptop charger which was bundled into a box with 100s of cables."
"Teams are shouting at the staff here as the majority of everyone's gear has been either packed away, lost or stolen."
OG.BGN0tail: "Goodbye keyboard and mouse

one day I'll return to China pubs to play versus my own peripherals. #fullcircle #headsupforthisplzXd"
Evany, OG manager: "There was miscommunication btwn PW and hotel. PW is willing to pay all costs of missing gear/items. However, poor Rotk's car keys are mia.." (It's freaking Maserati)
CoL.Beef: "We were lucky to be in our room before the PW and hotel staff began the tear down. We recovered all of our gear."
persönliches highlight:
Kyle Bautista
Sidenote: somehow they lost Ramszes keyboard, AGAIN!