Star Citizen

Mitglied seit
Ich raffs grad nicht so ganz, was es mit den verschiedenen Packages und den jeweiligen Schiffen auf sich hat und hab auch kp welches Schiff ich holen soll um euch alle zu pwnen!?
Will auch mal bissl Geld ausgeben;(

Naja Package heißt nur das es das Spiel + Alpha/Beta etc. und Goodies gibt und dazu ein Schiff. Alles andere sind nur Schiffe ohne Spiel, man braucht also mindestens ein Package.

Wenn du alle pwnen willst musst du während des Livestreams am 26. eine Idris Corvette kaufen :troll:

Hab meine 315p gegen eine M50 getauscht, als normalen Jäger hab ich auch schon eien Avenger :>
Mitglied seit
Aktueller Stand der Kampagne:

30,153,516 $
310,457 Unterstützern

bei so viel Geld im Spiel frage ich mich ja wann die Mainstreammedien davon Wind bekommen. Und wenn das passiert werden sie warscheinlich mit Geld noch mehr beschmissen als jetzt schon :D
Mitglied seit
Achja? Das musst du mir mal erklären. Weil man andere Schiffe bekommt wenn man mehr spendet?
Mitglied seit
schon alleine weil man sich (bessere) schiffe kaufen kann.
(Pay2Win = Vorteile haben, weil man mehr Geld reinsteckt)

Aber mal schauen wie das ganze umgesetzt wird.
Bin da irgendwie skeptisch.
Mitglied seit
Damit hast du wohl durchaus (teilweise, denn was ist an einem Transporter z.B. "besser" als an einem Jäger?) Recht. Immerhin ist es jedem selber überlassen ob er sich um den Spaß des Spielens bringt indem er sich ein teureres Schiff kauft. In etwa so sinnvoll wie sich in WoW das beste Equipment zu kaufen.

Eine gesunde Skepsis ist natürlich nie verkehrt.
Mitglied seit
gut, für manche ist es halt auch spaß, sich sachen zu kaufen und dann zu benutzen, anstatt sie mühevoll zu erarbeiten. ;)
Mitglied seit
schon alleine weil man sich (bessere) schiffe kaufen kann.
(Pay2Win = Vorteile haben, weil man mehr Geld reinsteckt)

Aber mal schauen wie das ganze umgesetzt wird.
Bin da irgendwie skeptisch.

Kann man sich die Schiffe auch auf normalen wege kaufen? Dann wäre das ja im Prinzip wie in EVE. Und bei EVE sagt keiner es ist P2W, da werden die lootpinatas schön durchgegankt.
Mitglied seit
afaik werden die auch alle ingame erwerbbar sein.

Bei EVE kannste aber auch gut Ingamegeld machen und davon dann deinen Account bezahlen, so dass später mehrere Accounts gleichzeitig hast und kein Euro für bezahlst.
Wenn das bei Star Citizen so ähnlich wird, dann ist das auch wieder okay. :)
Mitglied seit
Naja SC wird ja kein Abo haben, das Spiel kostet nur den Anschaffungspreis. Und ja die Schiffe sind später allesamt ingame zu kaufen (mal abgesehen vom Träger/Kreuzer/Schlachtschiff vielleicht, aber die wird es auch für Geld niemals geben) für Ingame-Währung. Zudem sind die Schiffe auch nur solange zu kaufen weil die Community gesagt hat "wir wollen weiter backen", ansonsten hätteste schon seit geraumer Zeit nicht mehr die Möglichkeit an Schiffe zu kommen. Jetzt wirst du halt spätestens zu Release keine Schiffe mehr mit Echtgeld* kaufen können.

*bzw. nur indirekt durch das Kaufen von Ingamewährung, was allerdings gecapped ist (auf welchen Zeitraum kA) auf einen Betrag, der irgendwo liegt wovon man sich wohl maximal das kleinste Schiff ohne Extras kaufen kann.
Mitglied seit
Beim fertigen spiel kann man dann also ingame währung kaufen? :x
Mitglied seit
Soweit es bisher aussieht ja. Also wenn du umgerechnet etwa 300€ bis 400€ für ein Schiff ausgeben willst was du dir in 2 Tagen Spielzeit erfarmen kannst, kannst du das tun. So sieht nämlich derzeit der Wechselkurs in etwa aus, ich würde mir also weniger Sorgen darum machen.

Und falls es schon vergessen wurde: es gibt natürlich auch noch den Singleplayer, der alleine schon ne ganze Zeit lang halten sollte bevor man online geht.

Squadron 42

Inside Cloud Imperium Games: Foundry 42
Mitglied seit
Alleine wegen dem singleplayer werd ich mir das spiel dann auch holen. Gibt ja leider viel zu wenig in dem genre. Online spiel finde ich sowieso eher nebensächlich.
Mitglied seit
Ich werd ihn auch auf jedenfall spielen, aber bei 50+ Missionen weiss ich nicht ob ich das schaffen werde bevor es mich ins Online-Universum zieht
Mitglied seit

Funds Raised | 35,213,945 $
Star Citizens | 338,187

So, mal wieder ein kleines Update hier:

Leider wurde das Dogfighting Modul auf unbestimmte Zeit (paar Monate) verschoben, dafür gibt es aber auch noich ein paar andere Neuigkeiten.


Zuerst mal vorweg, wer sich generell für das Genre interessiert sollte sich auch nochmal nach Elite: Dangerous umsehen. Die haben jetzt ihre Alpha draußen mit Singleplayer-Missionen zum testen. Sieht alles schon sehr nett aus, leider kommt man jetzt soweit ich weiss nicht mehr in die Alpha rein (hat vorher 200 £ gekostet)


Es gab mal wieder einen Livestream kurz vor Weihnachten und einige neue Infos, diesmal auch zum Singleplayer-Part Squadron 42.

Wer sich alles angucken will guckt sich die Aufzeichnung auf Twitch an:

RSI Twitch

bzw. auf YouTube:

Aufzeichnung Livestream 20.12.2013

Am Ende des Livestreams spielen die Entwickler das Dogfighting Module, wer den Rest nicht sehen will sollte etwa bis hierher vorspulen (keine Ursache)

Hier die Updates zum UK Office Foundry 42 (verantwortlich für den Singleplayer-Part, geführt von Erin Roberts, Chris Bruder und zB. Verantwortlich für Starlancer verantwortlich war)

Foundry 42 Video

Ausserdem ein kleines Updatevideo zum Dogfighting Module (mit wunderbarem deutschen Akzent :D )

Dogfighting Update

Wer ausserdem immer gerne neue Infos aufschnappt gibt es die jetzt hier wöchentlich direkt von der Quelle:

Ten for the Chairman Ep. 3

die anderen Episoden sind jeweils Bestandteil der Wingmans Hangar Webshow


Dann kommen wir mal zu etwas handfesteren Neuigkeiten. Der Hangar wurde mal wieder gepatched und hat jetzt u.A. eine Lafette für Schiffswaffen inkl. kleiner Firing-Range.

Neue Schiffe im Hangar sind die Aegis Dynamics Avenger (gab es schon vorher, aber das Modell wurde generalüberholt)

Komplett neu (vorher nur als Modell enthalten) ist die Drake Interplanetary Cutlass


Ausserdem neu: Der Hangar ist jetzt persistent, heißt wenn man an seinem Schiff rumschraubt sind die Modifikationen nicht beim Programmneustart wieder auf Werkszustand zurückgesetzt.

Und wer sich wundert was das Bild am Anfang sein soll, bitte hier entlang.
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Für den geneigten Erfolgsfan und damit Crowbar nicht immer alles alleine announcen muss:

Funds Raised: 37,666,973
Star Citizens: 378,189

Sieht für mich danach aus als obs im selben Tempo weitergeht. In spätestens zwei Wochen wären dann die 38 Mio fällig.

Stretch Goal für die 38 Mio. ist ein neues System wie bereits bei den letzten Goals:
Cano System is home to a G-Type Main Sequence Star that’s almost identical to Earth’s. Of the four planets in the system, only one is inhabited: Carteyna. Located on the edge of habitable zone, Carteyna is a classic waterworld. Fortunately, its planetary axis constantly keeps the northern hemisphere away from the sun, which allowed for the water to freeze into the landmasses used as the initial landing zones in 2587. Multiple attempts have been made to try to convert the thick atmosphere into something breathable, but the process never seemed to stick. In fact, over the years, every time there’s a new technological development in geo-engineering, they test it out here on Carteyna only to yield the same result. Almost fifty years ago, scientists discovered microscopic organisms in the very early phases of life in the depths of the oceans. This caused a massive uproar throughout the UEE at the prospect that they had been attempting to terraform a developing world. Carteyna was immediately placed under the Fair Chance Act. Unfortunately, Humans had been living here for almost over three hundred years and the families that had been here for generations felt that they had earned rights as residents. After years of debate in the political and scientific community, the population was allowed to stay, but only under certain conditions: future terraforming attempts have been outlawed and the Human population has been consolidated to a single arcology to minimize their impact on their environment and the development of whatever species is growing in the deep.


Clanunterstützung wurde eingeführt. Man kann jetzt Organisationen gründen und joinen, nen kleines Chattool im IRC Style für die Kommunikation gibts auch noch dazu (Womit das Bnet 2.0 schon geschlagen wäre :D da es auch nen General Chat gibt).


Anzahl erstellter Orgs: ~9.300
Anzahl Mitglieder insgesamt: ~27000


Org Archtype:
Generic 30%
Corp 23%
PMC 21%
Syndicate 16%
Faith 8%

Org Primary Roles:
Freelancing 23%
Exploration 17%
Security 13%
Bounty Hunting 8%
Trading 8%
Piracy 7%
Social 7%
Transport 4%
Mining 4%
Engineering 3%
Smuggling 2%
Infiltration 2%
Scouting 1%
Mitglied seit
Was kann man den schon spielen? Hab gehört man kann bereits durch nen Hangar laufen?
Mitglied seit
Jo, kannst im Hangar rumlaufen und in deinem Schiff rumkraxeln. Im Hangar steht auch noch ne Kanone, an die du deine Schiffswaffen dranwerkeln kannst um schonmal ein wenig auf Zielscheiben zu schiessen. Mit ein wenig Credits kannste dir auch noch son fahrbaren Buggy kaufen und im Hangar rumracen bzw. mit nem ordentlichen Schiff den Buggy auch in dieses einladen.

Dogfight Modul kommt wohl im April, wies "aktuell" aussieht hatte crowbar in seinem Report im Post über mir ja schon drin.
Mitglied seit
38 mio $ da kratzt man jetzt schon vermutlich an den top 20 der teuersten pc games aller zeiten. Kann eigentlich nur noch ein flopp werden. :ugly:
Mitglied seit
Das hat mich dann jetzt mal doch interessiert. Nach kurzer, unproffesioneller Recherche dann folgende Liste:

  1. GTA 5 - 260.000.000$
  2. Star Wars Old Republic - 200.000.000$
  3. Bioshock Infinite - 200.000.000$
  4. Max Payne 3 - 105.000.000$
  5. Starcraft II Wings of Liberty - 100.000.000$
  6. GTA 4 - 100.000.000$
  7. The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim - 85.000.000$
  8. Gran Turismo 5 - 80.000.000$
  9. Final Fantasy XIII - 72.000.000$
  10. Crysis 3 - 66.000.000$
  11. Too Human - 60.000.000$
  12. Metal Gear Solid 4 - 60.000.000$
  13. Killzone 2 - 58.000.000$
  14. Kinect Star Wars - 56.000.000$
  15. Halo 3 - 55.000.000$
  16. All Points Bulletin - 50.000.000$
  17. L.A. Noire - 50.000.000$
  18. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 50.000.000$
  19. Warhammer Online: Dark Millenium - 50.000.000$
  20. Shenmue - 47.000.000$
  21. God of War 3 - 44.000.000$
  22. Final Fantasy IX - 41.000.000$
  23. Half-Life 2 - 40.000.000$
  24. Stranglehold - 30.000.000$

Die meisten Werte von Analysten geschätzt, die Liste also vermutlich so 10% Varianz drin. Damit Star Citizen aber in die Top 20 einsteigt, brauchts sicher noch ein paar Millionen.


hmm, hätte das bei vielen games gar nicht erwartet das sie so teuer waren.
shenmue war super, aber für was haben die denn damals 47 mio ausgegeben?
Mitglied seit
Aber damit ist es doch im Endeffekt jetzt quasi ein AAA-Titel oder? :ugly:
Denn an sich definiert man die ja übers Budget xD
Mitglied seit
Es war ja auch von Anfang an ihr Ziel einen solchen zu produzieren? Ist an sich also doch auch nicht schlecht, dass das Budget passt - ob's nen Flop wird, weiß man noch nicht, ich hoffe es nicht :D
Mitglied seit
Ich wollte bei Zeiten eh mal hier updaten bloß passiert im Moment nichts wirklich spannendes. Die Organizations sind jetzt auch nicht so spannend, höchstens für Leute die sich eh schon viel mit dem Spiel befassen.

Sobald Dogfighting draußen ist gibs hier sicher mal wieder ein paar mehr Infos/Bilder/Videos
Mitglied seit
mal ein kleines Update


ich möchte Jedem der interessiert ist die neue Episode von Wingmans Hangar ans Herz legen. Das Konzept der Show wurde überarbeitet und ist jetzt um einiges informativer und besser anzuschauen. Ausserdem gibt es (siehe Bild oben) einen kleinen Ausblick wie die Schiffe später mit PBR (Physically Based Rendering) aussehen. Ausserdem gibt es Infos zum verschobenen Dogfighting-Modul. Es lohnt sich, alleine schon wegen dem geilen Raumschiff!

€: hups, Link vergessen. fixed
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Mitglied seit
Langsam fahren sie die wirklich interessanten Infos auf, man merkt das die Entwicklung Fahrt aufnimmt.

Neuer Wingmans Hangar lohnt sich auf jedenfall, viele Infos, Concept-Artwork und Ingamevideos zur Singleplayer-Kampagne.

paar Bilder (diesmal freundlicherweise im Spoiler)






Da kommt in den nächsten Wochen und Monaten noch einiges und vor allem mehr und schneller als bisher :)
Mitglied seit
Neue Schiffe:

Consolidated Outland Mustang

das zweite Starterschiff neben der Aurora




Javelin-Class Destroyer




Ausserdem eine Übersicht der meisten geplanten Vanduul-Schiffe

Mitglied seit
Das sieht ja alles immer ganz schön aus aber sind die nur am modelle bauen oder wie sieht das mit dem tatsächlichen spiel aus? Geht es da voran?
Mitglied seit
Naja die die am Modelle bauen sind sind ja andere als die die am Spiel selber bauen. Das ist ja alles auf verschiedene Studios aufgeteilt die an anderen "Modulen" arbeiten wie etwa Singleplayer, Dogfight und PU, Planetside, Hangar, etc. Läuft alles parallel. Und nachdem man im letzten Jahr (verständlicherweise) noch nicht so viel gehört hat gibt es jetzt immer mehr Infos. Kann da nur den WIngmans Hangar von letzter Woche empfehlen wo es ein Update zum Singleplayer gab (Studio Manchester)
Mitglied seit





Neue Videos:

Wingmans Hangar 59
Studioreport Manchester - Squadron 42 und Mining Colony

Neue Infos:

Monthly Report: February 2014

Kompletter Report im Spoiler
Greetings Citizens,

At the start of this year there was some heated debate on the community forums about whether the team at Cloud Imperium was doing enough to keep the community informed. As with most of the debates on our forums there were some widely differing views; there wasn’t enough information on the game’s progress, there was too much, there was just enough. With a community as large as Star Citizen’s, you can’t please everyone all the time. :)

I’m proud of our track record of keeping the community informed. We have eight to ten posts a week on the RSI website, we are currently delivering 3 videos a week (Ten for the Chairman, Wingman’s Hangar and the Next Great Starship). We have a whole forum subsection where the community can ask and get answers directly from the ever expanding development team. I don’t believe there is any other game, even one that is out of development and “live” that involves and informs the community to the extent we do.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t improve!

As I hope people have noticed, we’ve shifted the focus of our video content to have more behind the scenes material, and to answer harder questions than perhaps we did last year. Even though we’re proud of the amount of updates we share that doesn’t mean that we don’t listen to what is said and if it resonates, respond. One of the valid criticisms about our information flow is that its sheer quantity can be overwhelming and there isn’t any kind of high level summary for the people that don’t have the time to watch every video, read every post and monitor the forums for any data point they have missed.

So in response to that I am introducing the very first CIG Star Citizen monthly report. The concept is simple – a high level monthly production progress report from the various teams from around the world working on Star Citizen.

You may find it interesting to know that as of this moment there are 212 people working on Star Citizen between the internal and external studios and contractors! More people are working on this project than most AAA console titles, and it’s definitely the largest team to work on a Space Sim. These are jobs you have created! It’s an amazing accomplishment and it’s all down to your passion for space sims, PCs and doing something different!

Not only that but these are 212 developers that want what you want – to make the best game possible – they don’t have to worry about a publisher pushing them to release early to plug a hole in a quarterly revenue plan or to incorporate a feature just because it’s the flavor of the month.

It is because of this, and the new backers that continually join the community every month – you may be interested to know that 71% if the $6M or so we raised since December came from new backers – that I feel confident that we are making something that will be special. It won’t always be perfect, or on time, but given the talent of the team and the enthusiasm, feedback and support of the community I know we will reach the promised land of a living breathing universe that we can all adventure in together for many years to come.

As I write this, the Star Citizen team is all around me hard at work on the Dogfighting Module. We plan to premiere dogfighting at a special Citizens-only event just prior to PAX East. If all goes as planned, the Dogfighting Module itself will launch shortly after PAX and you will finally get your hands on your flight sticks! The team is scurrying to take care of thousands upon thousands of necessary details: variable damage states, HUD detailing, weapons cameras, engine sounds and countless other things that go into creating an immersive space combat experience. At this point, we can now regularly dogfight here in the office.

The biggest danger, or “blocker” in game development parlance, continues to be the server backend. You may recall that we pushed the release because we did not want to use the standard CryEngine server and net-code. Instead, we decided it would be more efficient to use the system which will form the nucleus of Star Citizen’s persistent servers in the future. We have high hopes that the solution will be ready in time for launch… and that that solution will stand up to the hundreds of thousands of Citizens waiting to battle it out. The very success that Star Citizen has had in building such a large community so early in its development is also one of its most challenging – launching the DFM will be akin to launching a major online game. Except we aren’t even close to being finished. It’s a high wire act of the most difficult proportions!

— Chris Roberts


CIG Santa Monica
Travis Day, Dogfight Producer

Our Santa Monica office has accomplished a lot over the past month and we’re all very excited to share with the community about what we have been up to! We’re hitting the stage with the Dogfighting Module where everything is starting to come together into a product that we are proud of and we sincerely hope our fans will enjoy.

Our team here is led by Chris Roberts and historically the Santa Monica office has been responsible for virtually all design and engineering for the Dogfighting Module. Over the past month we have brought on a lot of support from our brothers and sisters in arms across the company and all our of development partners. At this point there is not a single studio whether internal or external who is not involved in some critical piece of the Dogfighting Module and it is great working together with everyone towards a unified objective.

To this end on the Production team we have spent a great deal of effort over the past month scheduling out all of the teams tasks, identifying which studios are best suited to contribute on certain features, and dividing up all the work according to our schedules and skillsets. We’ve also coordinated having many different team members (at one point 14 at once!) visiting here in LA to get training on some of the systems we’ve developed, get direction from Chris, and train us on systems they’ve created that we could use on Dogfighting. At the same time Production is continuing to work with several external partners (not counted on the game development headcount) on having them create some upcoming ship commercials which we look forward to sharing with you guys!

On the Design side we’ve had Pete Mackay out visiting from Austin and working diligently on refining and balancing all of our ship systems and their interactions with the HUD/UI. There are really a lot of cool interactive systems on in these ships! It has been really important to make sure our HUD/UI for Dogfighting captures all these systems and displays them in an understandable fashion that allows players to have insight and control over what’s going on “under the hood”. To this end we’ve actually had visitors from the UK, Montreal, and Austin all working with the folks here to make sure we provide a HUD/UI that will really blow people away and showcase the fidelity level of our ships and their simulated systems.

From a technical perspective our Engineers and Tech Design staff have been working on finishing off and bug fixing the vehicle damage system for our current ships. We’ve got it to the point where you can quite surgically pick a ship apart piece by piece and watch its various systems fail out before it ultimately explodes. The distinct visual pleasure of watching a ship blown to pieces has gone up a great deal recently too with Forrest Stephan and our new hire Casey Robinson working on generating some beautiful visual effects for the weapons, ship damage, and shields. You’ll get to see and hear a lot more about the vehicle damage systems soon!

Last but certainly not least our Physics Programmer, John Pritchett, has been hard at work finalizing the ships new flight models and g-force system. The new flight model allows the IFCS (Intelligent Flight Control System) to handle the orientation and thrust of all the thrusters independently in order to achieve the desired vector and velocity changes provided by player input while staying within a safe g-force envelope to prevent unconsciousness. It also has several modes which will allow you six degrees of freedom control, automatic turn banking where the ship rolls to orientations which are most conducive to the pilot surviving the g-force load, and disabled where you can rapidly maneuver but will quickly cause yourself to blackout.

As we move into the month of March we will be continuing to fine tune these systems while finishing a few more like the LOD (level of detail) system, continued work on the HUD/UI, additional spectacular visual effects, and continuing bug fixing.

CIG Santa Monica currently includes 24 developers: Chris Roberts, 1 production specialist, 3 designers, 3 artists, 6 programmers and ten others (marketing, legal, community, customer support.) We all hope you’ve enjoyed reading about what we’ve been up to and if you have any questions please feel free to throw your questions into our “Ask a Developer” threads on the forums.


Cloud Imperium Austin
Eric Peterson, Studio Director

CIG Texas is hard at work on the server backend and providing support for other areas of the DFM. As it is all hands on deck for the big Dogfighting push, we have some of the team embedded in LA with the dogfighting team. However, work on the PU and Hangar has not stopped! Patch 11 added functionality to the Cutlass and the 11.1 patch added the promised Oculus Rift support. This isn’t just a cool feature: it’s also meeting one of our early stretch goal promises.

The art team is going full bore with character modeling, block outs for helmets, fleshing out character rigs, doing the damage states and LODs for the Hornet and Scythe, finishing up the maneuvering thruster models, and keeping the style guides up to date for all the manufactures and outsource partners.

Programming is primarily working on the backend server infrastructure for the DFM, as well as build system improvements, tools creation, PBR integration, and hangar bug fixes.

Animation has been busy teaching all the new hires inside CIG how to properly animate for Star Citizen, as well as running the first full performance capture test shoot for SQ42, and doing animations and fixes for the ships for the DFM and in the hangar.

Design this month has been working on material preparation for PBR, Data migration to Articy for Glactapedia, looking for design candidates, updates to the hangar like improving the firing range, as well as systems design for the PU.

Audio is working on finalizing the interactive music design, working on various sound effects on ships in dogfighting from thrusters to weaponry etc, ramping up to record voice/facial mocap actors for NPC pilots and in cockpit computers, and continuing to work on SFX for planetside environments.

In addition I am happy to report that we have begun the integration of PBR or Physically Based Rendering (PBR). We still need to update many of our materials, but thanks to CryTek and their latest code drop, we can make this happen in a much smoother fashion. Upcoming Hangar patches will start to enable PBR, and we will convert ships and other content to the PBR system as they are needed for Dogfighting. For a great look at the state of PBR, check out our recent video on the Scythe transition.

Our team currently consists of 45 people: 5 designers, 14 artists, 11 programmers, 3 audio experts, 4 QA/IT specialists and 8 production team members!


Foundry 42
Erin Roberts, Studio Director

Here in Manchester, we’ve hit the ground running: at the end of last year we were tasked with the responsibility of building Squadron 42’s first missions, a sort of test to get our designers and programmers up to speed with the CryEngine. I’m pleased to report that the team is really taking to the system, as evidenced by the asteroid base and mining system we recently revealed as the backdrop for the game’s first series! In fact, the overall Star Citizen design team thought so much of the spider-shaped industrial mining tools, shown recently on Wingman’s Hangar,that we’re now working to integrate them into the persistent universe’s mining system.

Elsewhere, Foundry 42 continues to staff up; meanwhile designers are building missions, programmers are expanding the CryEngine and artists are building ships… with an obvious special attention towards military craft. These include the Gladiator and Retaliator, which we have just taken responsibility for. But don’t be surprised if the next massive capital ship you see was also built in Manchester. Be sure and watch our recent Foundry 42 update video to check out some of our work in action!

We are also helping with the drive on getting the dogfighting module out to everyone. Design is pushing hard on finalizing the gameplay rules and experience in our playable maps. The artists are really pushing on the visual quality working on in our playable maps. The artists are really pushing on the visual quality really trying to show case Cryengine at its best, and the coders are working on supporting the implementation of a few remaining systems we are trying to cram into dog fighting.

The Squadron 42 team at Foundry 42 currently includes 34 members: 11 artists, 11 designers, 7 programmers, a creative director, 3 managers and myself.


Mathieu Beaulieu, Producer

Here in cold Montreal, Canada, we are keeping warm by working hard on the Mobiglas, the Avatar Customisation, the Economy System and Planetside,

We have just finished the first pass on implementing a basic framework for all UI related functionality. This framework will help all studios for any UI development. At the moment we are using this framework to integrate the Augmented Reality functionality on the Mobiglas 1 and to build the Avatar Customisation System.

For Planetside, both the exterior and interior of Arc Corp are taking shape. We have also started laying out the other planets from the Stanton system 2, as well as concepts for new solar systems. Arc Corp is really important to us and is taking some time to develop since we want it to set the visual quality for all other planets.

On the economy system 3, all the technology is in place. We have a server that talks with the game client and we are now starting to build the control room where we’ll be able to play with the variables of the economy.

Finally, we are also working closely with Austin on the Asteroid Hangar4. For all hangars, we are developing a room system. This will allow you to add rooms to your hangar, such as the firing range.

All this great work is being made by a team of 32 developers: 9 engineers, 10 3D artists, 5 concept artists, 6 designers and 2 project manager.

See you soon on Arc Corp.


CGBot – Sergio Rosas, Founder

CGBot has been hard at work down here in sunny Monterrey, Mexico.

We are currently working on space suits for the explorer class, getting the Idris ready for Squadron 42, getting materials updated for the big PBR push, and damage states for the Aurora.

CGBot currently employs 18 artists on Star Citizen.

Sorry Canada – we are not sure what you mean by winter.


Freelance Contractors
Sean Murphy, Outsource Manager

Some of the most in demand sci-fi artists from film and television are doing work for us on Star Citizen, people like Ryan Church (Avatar, Star Trek, Star Wars), Jim Martin (Star Trek, AI, The Matrix Reloaded), Geoffrey Mandel (Serenity/Firefly), and Justin Sweet (Avengers).

Overall, we have 15 freelance artists working around the world on alien race look and feel, designs for both human and alien space ships, as well as graphical logos for corporations in the game both human and alien.


FPS Team

The FPS team are hard at work building the first person experience. This month our focus has been on extending and overhauling the movement system to accommodate zero gravity and Star Citizen’s intensely immersive animation driven movement. From the way bodies move in weightlessness to the way eyes track the things we’re looking at, everything is getting a hyper-technical going over and rebuild to ensure the vision of the game gets the support it deserves. Of course, while our designers and engineers work out the best ways to fight on foot and in space, the art team has been hard at work building one of the many locations players will be able to visit in the game, in this case an abandoned space station that has since been taken over by pirates!

The build out uses the “tier system” we’ve created to make rapid production of the game’s massive locations possible, all without sacrificing visual quality. The tier system is a modular building and design system where structures and locations are broken down into elements that can snap together in myriad different configurations, each possibility designed to be just as visually appealing as the others. This way, we can produce numerous locations that use common assets and architecture to ensure the same visual and emotional feel of common locations (such as stations built by the same company) and seamless transitions from one set of modules to another, all while maximizing variety without sacrificing quality. We can’t wait to show it off to the world!

This work is being made possible by 21 staff: eight artists, five programmers, four animators, a level designer, a creative director, a producer and one sound effects contractor.


Void Alpha
Mark Day, Studio Director

Here are some highlights from our task list for February:


Interior concept art for Bones completed (The Blocks, Terra Prime).
Interior concept art for Hardpoint Guys completed (Landing Zone, Terra Prime).
Exterior geometry for Bones completed (The Blocks, Terra Prime).
Interior geometry for Bones completed (The Blocks, Terra Prime).
Exterior geometry for Monorail station completed (The Blocks, Terra Prime).
Third revision of Monorail station geometry & texturing complete (Landing Zone, Terra Prime).
2nd pass on Centermass “ Beautiful Corner “.
Preparation for the conversion to PBR.


Initial pass of AI paths completed using Kythera system (Landing Zone, Terra Prime).
Lift system animations completed (Landing Zone, Terra Prime).
Hornet land and take offs functioning using Kythera system (Landing Zone, Terra Prime).

While the above tasks reflect the activities for the month… they don’t reflect the effort. We are not just making your average “next-gen“space game. We are constantly reminded that providing work that would easily meet expectations on titles like Star Wars The Old Republic or Mass Effect doesn’t reach the high-quality demands of Chris Roberts, Mark Skelton and Chris Olivia. The feedback and art direction we receive is both challenging and extremely satisfying when we see the end results. Pushing to achieve Chris’ vision for planet-side locations like Terra has us putting in lots of extra hours… but doing some of the best work of our careers.

Terra is being made real by a team of six: four artists, a level designer and a production manager. We’re actively looking for additional environmental artists in the San Francisco Bay area!


Benoit Beauséjour, Founder

On the web platform side, February was the launch of the new revamped comments thread system as well the re-introduction of a poll module to the forums. Poll away! Many mobile optimizations have been put in place to ease browsing the site on mobile phones and tablets, this is an effort we have to continue. We have done great progress on the design and development of Multi-Factor authentication which we hope to bring to production soon! Obviously and as always, many bugs were fixed and deployed in more than 6 code update.

A considerable amount of time has been spent in connecting website ship data to the game in order to deliver up to date statistics on the site for all know ship models and variants. This work is factored into a major overhaul of the Ship Specs page where we will present a new way to browse ships, specs and other relevant stats (and more!) directly on the site and store pages.

The Organizations system saw a great deal of design decisions and progress made on the features Drop Two. The development of the Chart viewer and the division/jobs manager taking the bulk of the design & development time. We have taken the decision to split the Drop Two into a smaller Drop (1.5?) in order to get multiple organizations membership deployed faster. The Chat system is also undergoing some under-the-hood changes to support the expanding (fast!) list of Organizations.

Turbulent’s Star Citizen team consists of eight people: a producer, manager, artist, UE expert and two each front and back-end developers. As the community continues to grow, the team has to spend time in expanding the infrastructure to properly host the different services that the RSI platform is using. A major server upgrade has begun in February (and is still underway) to update the current server infrastructure to use more powerful and cheaper systems.

Sorry Mexico, No Olympic medals for you!

YouTube Playlists:
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Mitglied seit
hab kein plan von dem game. wird es so sein das man jeden Planeten frei erkunden kann? wäre irgendwie krass geil
Mitglied seit
Nicht auf absehbare Zeit, aber langfristig ists geplant. Obs dann auch noch kommt ist ne andere Frage. Zuerst wird man nur in den Raumhäfen/Städten landen und da verschiedene Locations aufsuchen können.
Mitglied seit

Idris-Corvette ist jetzt Idris-Fregatte.

ein kleines Update: am nächsten Donnerstag (10.04.) wird das Dogfight-Modul vorgestellt. Wer interesse hat sollte sich dann den Livestream nicht entgehen lassen. Werde hier natürlich sobald möglich auch alles Wissenswerte posten, sobald das Modul released ist (warscheinlich innerhalb der nächsten 2 Wochen)

Mockup des Hornet-HUD

Habe mir ausserdem die Beta für Elite Dangerous geholt und denke ich werde dann hier oder in einem neuen Thread dazu auch berichten (dürfte aber noch ein paar Monate sein bis zur Beta)

ausserdem der neue Monatsreport für Mai:
Monthly Report: March 2014

als Text im Spoiler
Travis Day, Dogfight Producer

Santa Monica, California… Home to year round sunshine, excellent restaurants along the walking promenade, and a 3-mile stretch of beautiful beach. We’ve seen none of these things for many weeks now as we’ve been locked in our office working hard on Dogfighting!

In all seriousness though while it is tiring, it is also very invigorating, and this project drives everyone’s passion and the knowledge that the community is just as excited as we are pushes us to our best work. I have never been more awed by a team’s discipline and dedication. We work not because we’re forced to but instead because we love what we’re working on and want to really wow people with Chris’ reveal before PAX East.

Alright, well at this point I am sure you’re thinking, “We get it, the teams is working hard… But what have you DONE?” Well fair enough, here we go!
The HUD has moved forward by leaps and bounds. This has been one of our most collaborative pieces of work with other studios and it is really shaping up! Over the course of the past couple of months, we have been working hard to conceptualize and define the base functionality that will drive the HUD and peripheral user interfaces in many of the ships that you will be piloting in the Star Citizen universe.

In any ship, you will be able to manage and interact with many different systems, such as weapons configuration management, power and energy management, shields management, radar configuration, navigation, comms, target tracking, preset configuration, and much more. All of these components need to be quickly accessible to you at any given point in time, especially during heated situations such as combat.
Concept of the Hornet’s HUD and information panels created by Zane Bien and is used as the basis for the HUD’s creationConcept of the Hornet’s HUD and information panels created by Zane Bien and is used as the basis for the HUD’s creation

Our goal in designing the cockpit UI was to present such complex components in a manner that is functionally intuitive, yet aesthetically consistent with the fiction in that you’re piloting a ship from the future. One of the biggest challenges in designing any sci-fi interface is striking the right balance between what looks / feels visually interesting and what is functionally efficient, both of which are equally important in driving the immersion as you’re piloting ships in Star Citizen.

We feel that we have achieved a nice blending between the two in our design given some of the core concepts behind the UI. One of which for example, is the extensive use of actual 3D geometry within the UI to visually represent items and objects (such as targets, parts of your own ship, etc.), and the many various states they may have. We have also been doing extensive work developing a custom “holoshader” that gives these 3D objects a very “holographic” look, which will have them fit nicely into the overall design.

We’ve been developing some really cool features for the UI in Star Citizen. We are looking forward to sharing with you in detail our vision behind the HUD and all of its various components soon, but there is still much work to be done before it’s considered in any final state.

Multiplayer functionality has also been a large and bug filled undertaking this month. We’ve spent a great deal of time this month writing code to improve the systems we’d previously created and debugging issues with precision, latency, and bandwidth limitations. Now that we are testing with our newly crafted backend (CIGNet) we’re starting to work through the various systems to make sure that the experience remains playable with a variety of pings and available bandwidth.

Our design team has also been hard at work continuing to hook up and balance many newly created items and continuing to add nuance to the ships. We’ve finished implementing and doing an early balance pass on ship items. Furthermore, we’ve completed hooking up the Scythe for perfectly balanced flight with all of its thrusters working in concert to bring its weapons to bear on enemies. During this process our Physics programmer was able to tweak and debug his hand crafted thruster analysis tool which greatly aids in placing and balancing thrusters for all future ships.
Work in Progress model of the Hornet using PBR with heavy armor affixed to it by Chris SmithWork in Progress model of the Hornet using PBR with heavy armor affixed to it by Chris Smith

We’ve also been upgrading the Hornet to PBR so it has a lot more realistic look and feel to it. During this process Chris Smith took it upon himself to make some interior upgrades to the cockpit with higher resolution pass adding a lot more intricate details to the interior of the cockpit. Intricate mechanical workings were done as well to make the canopy operate on a believable track system and modifying the seat for a believable ejection. Lastly with PBR came the integration of the weathering system that allows him to apply some very believable wear and tear looks to the models. He even took a pass of mocking up some different armor types for it. With all of these detailed changes plus the PBR conversion the Hornet is really looking quite stunning!

We’ve also grown our team here a bit over the last month with an additional three new employees bringing our total headcount in this studio to 27. Joining us this month were Kami Talebi (Production Coordinator), Joanna Whitmarsh (Marketing Associate), and James Pugh (Assistant Community Manger) who’ve all hit the ground running quite well! It has been amazing to watch the team here grow from three people almost a year ago to our current size today and we all look forward to continuing to grow the best possible team in the future with which to build the BDSSE!

Thanks for reading and if you have any questions about what you’ve seen in this report please do not hesitate to reach out to us on the ‘Ask a Developer’ threads in the forums.

See you in the ‘verse!

Cloud Imperium Austin
Eric Peterson, Studio Director

CIG Texas has had an amazing month of March from getting the backend server up and running which allows all of us at CIG to join up and battle in daily Dogfighting sessions – which can get mighty heated these days. We are also busy working on patch 11.2 which will upgrade the patching system for the upcoming DFM reveal and subsequent release. Also, we are supporting the hard charging Santa Monica team with the DFM by having several folks embedded in the trenches lending a hand.

Our Engineers got the full universe cluster configured and deployed to our cloud servers autonomously through our build system, and while our initial tests would only allow 2 or 3 players to connect, we are now up to dozens of us battling every single day. Also, we have many new improvements and enhancements for the Oculus Rift coming in the next Hangar Patch, such as FOV fixes, and dual-screen rendering, which will greatly enhance the VR experience.

In addition, we’ve been working to support artists for enhancing visuals such as making PBR (or PBS) look as fantastic as possible and also greatly improved the shield effects, making them more configurable and now have a “from cockpit” view of the shields.
We are also very busy integrating systems for the DFM, such as matchmaking, and leaderboards, which will be needed for our upcomming release.

Animation has been very busy cleaning up the data from our first full performance capture session. Now, we are busy integrating the animation curves generated into our in game body and faces. And of course, making sure that all the animations work for the ships coming up in the dogfighting module.

Audio has been busy getting the interactive music working correctly, as well as adding new sound effects for lasers, thrusters, cockpits, breakups and hits – in addition, recording all the dialogue for the “bitching betty” or warning system for the space ships we will be flying soon.

Design has managed to fill 5 of the its open positions – it was a great month for finding some talented & dedicated designers that will go that extra mile to make Star Citizen the best experience possible. We are moving full steam ahead with BHVR on the economy simulation which will be responsible for generating many of the player missions in the game. It goes without saying that we are knee deep in dogfighting testing, and we are busy assisting with PBR implementation in the hangars, as well as making the tools that will allow us to populate the systems that all of us are looking forward to visiting.

The art team has gotten the first female character modeled and approved by the man himself, we have also gotten the new facial rigs from 3Lateral and are busy attaching animations to them as we speak. We are working on ship parts and components that will be swappable on the various ships. We have completed the RSI helmet that you will be wearing as you fly in the DFM – or get ejected into space. We are also busy coordinating the performance capture sessions needed for both Star Citizen and Squadron 42. In addition we are busy sculpting the Xi’an race for look and feel. It is looking really sweet.

Overall, the team is hard at work, making sure that we deliver a great experience, and support Chris as we make the Best Damned Space Sim Ever!

Foundry 42
Erin Roberts, Studio Director

Hi again from sunny England. :)

Well, the past month has flown by with a huge amount of work in a lot of directions…

The team has been focusing on two main areas… Support for the dog fighting module, as well as pushing forward on a bunch of systems and content for Squadron 42.

In terms of the dog fighting module the artists have been focusing on creating and polishing the maps that we will all be playing in. After getting the maps up and running, we have now been focusing on making space landmarks in the levels to make navigation intuitive, and will now be focusing in the last few weeks on lighting and effects to really make the maps sing. Design has been focusing on the different game modes for the dog fighting module, so on each map you will be able to play different types of games (Death match, team death match, horde mode etc.)

Also, a lot of work has been going into the Vanduul AI, balancing the new flight model with the new vehicle (Fighter) setup and AI. This is quite a process as we have to balance the physics system with the vehicle weight and thruster ratios, and then make sure it all acts the way it should with the new Kythera AI from Mooncollider. The coders have been working on a bunch of the game rules, effects, HUD elements, counter measures, control options and general stability for the module.

For Squadron 42, we have been pushing ahead with the block outs for all the UEE Capital Ships so we can get those into full production, the Idris and Retaliator are now in full production, along with a host of smaller craft, soon to be followed by the Panther and Javelin. This has entailed a bunch of concept / product design work from our internal concept artists Andrew Ley and Stuart Jennet who are making sure that every part of a ship, whether it be weapons, living quarters etc. all work as you would expect. We have to make sure each ship is a living and interactive space. (We want everything to have a function / use that looks like it should, and don’t want to have to re-work things later and waste time) We are also looking at starting the block outs for the Vanduul cap ship fleet next month as well as more work on the full block out of the Shubin Mining base. We have designed the ships systems for cap ships, which we will be sharing with the community in the coming weeks. Hopefully this will make manning capital ships with your friends a lot of fun, as different people need to work together to manage engineering, weapons control, shields, communications, navigation, radar and our favourite so far electronic warfare…

Meetings have taken place over the motion capture process (both body and facial), which we will be taking the lead for at Foundry 42, as it is a huge part of pushing the fidelity and storytelling for the game.

And finally David Haddock has been with us in the UK for the last two weeks, breaking down the story with Phil Meller, to continue with the script for S42 which is already moving towards the size of War and Peace. Phil will then be travelling over to LA to join David next month to finish their work off and get final sign off from Chris on the full story breakdown for S42.

That’s about it for now! As always, thanks for all your support, without you guys we wouldn’t be able to have so much fun making this great game.

Mathieu Beaulieu, Producer

March was a very productive month at Behaviour Interactive.

We are deep into the design and backend development of the economy within the persistent universe, bringing together complex systems to create the most realistic economic system ever found in a space sim.

Concepts such as labor, salary, and employee happiness will be tracked and have an independent effect on the economic output of every location within the PU. Some worlds will favor the rich upper class, while others will favor the working class etc… We have also examined several vital issues such as inflation, monetary policy, central banks and player loans.

We have started to use the Physical Based Rendering technology developed by Crytek and have begun to apply it to all the hangars. The results are great and will bring all the in-game textures to a high level of realism.

Also, check out the latest development for the room system and the Asteroid Hangar on Episode 62 of Wingman’s Hangar!

Last month we completed a first pass on the UI framework. Now, we are making good use of this framework for the integration of the Dog Fighting Module menus, as well as the Visor HUD.

We are still ramping up and always looking for the best talent to join our team. Seven new employees joined us this month: 2 new artists, 2 intern artists, 1 UI designer, 1 game designer and 1 programmer. We are now 39 developers working hard to bring some amazing art and gameplay features to you in the ‘verse.

Tara Decker, Producer

The CGBot team has spent March (with the windows open;) working on various aspects of Star Citizen including ships, characters, and weapons.

After an intense knowledge-transfer visit from Forrest Stephan and Chris Smith in late February, work began on putting the Aurora through the damage and PBR pipelines. We had great results and look forward to seeing some really beautiful destruction during Dogfighting.

We are also working closely with Foundry 42 to get the Idris ready for single-player action. Several areas of the ship are being reworked as F42 goes through it with an eye towards making gameplay fun and interesting -we started the ship awhile back and are really happy to work with that incredible crew on making the Idris a great ship to own.

On the character front, we were happy to work with the new character lead, David Jennison, on starting female characters. We get the pleasure of working on the completely bad-freaking-*rse Female Punk Pirate outfit. Getting that to work with the female base model & seeing her awesomeness come to life is well, awesome.

Lastly, we jumped in to create some of the FPS weapons with [Redacted]. Weapons that are realistic of course, as Chris requires; so letting artists zone out on the details is always fun.

It’s been an intense March working with the teams to get ships ready for Dogfighting fun while also feeding the overall SC needs. We’re proud to contribute to the effort.

Btw, Canada, does a Gold in London count? ;)

Freelance Contractors
Sean Murphy, Outsource Manager

Our stellar contract artists keep pumping out great work; Ryan Church is continuing to refine the Panther Escort Carrier and Emmanuel Shiu, Jan Urschel, and John Dickenson (among others!) continue on Vanduul, Banu, and Xi’an ships. Stephan Martiniere has created some fantastic environment paintings for the Tal system, Rob McKinnon has given us some awesome helmet, weapon, and armor designs, and Eddie del Rio has done some really interesting exploration of the Xi’an scout ship. Ed Lee has created a very cool crossbow for our Shroud of the Avatar crossover, and we’ve gotten some great Vanduul characters from Brett Briley and Justin Sweet.

In addition, we’ve got a couple of new names working with us – Stefano Tsai in the UK has started building the M50 and Gavin Rothery, production designer on the movie “Moon”, has started work on the UEE Gladius. We’re excited to have them on board!

FPS Team

What used to be merely an FPS team is growing! The team has been busily chasing our dogfighting goals, and steadily kicking along towards the debut of FPS as well.

The animation team has applied loads of elbow grease and polish to player animation and movement in 0G, player movement in space after ejection is enabled by thrusters on the pilot suit to really sell the experience of floating weightless in the black.

Our artists have leveraged their ample skills to produce tons of weapon FX, from lasers to grenades to the formidable electric shotgun. They’ve also turned their hands toward the environments, building up locations both on and off-planet, including that Outlaw space station we mentioned last month, perhaps you’ll be getting a peek at that soon?
Our engineers have spent the month deep in the weeds of movement and eye-look positions, fixing physics errors and debugging elevators. While not too glamorous from the player side, these things all add up to make your alternate life that much more real.

The networking guys have been slaving over hot matchmaking services, while working with our HUD artists to enable menuing systems and scoreboards. Dogfighting Servers have been deployed, and are even now being hammered by our testers to ensure the smoothest play experience possible for our backers when the dogfighting module goes live. This means that, In addition to letting you fly your ships and shoot your foes, we’ve added support for scoring and statistics keeping over all our multiplayer game modes!

Can’t wait to see you in space! (Sizzling like stellar bacon at the hot end of our lasers!)

Void Alpha
Mark Day, Studio Director

voidALPHA in Emeryville, CA is focused on Planetside locations! Specifically, The Blocks and Landing Zone on Terra:Prime. Despite being a lower-income section of Prime, The Blocks is starting to look really good and contrasts nicely with the upscale environment that is Landing Zone. Speaking of upscale, Centermass, located on Landing Zone is as fancy as weapon shops come! It is the focus of great effort on our part and we are branding this location as our “beautiful corner”. It is a section of Landing Zone that will set the visual high bar for our team here at voidALPHA. We are determined to make it melt your eyes!

We are also in the early stages of conceptualization on another Planetside location that has lots of promise but we can’t quite share yet. Trust us, it’s going to look amazing!
We’ve been doing a tiny bit of traveling as well, with representatives going to BHVR in Canada for lighting training and to San Francisco for GDC 2014 to assist with recruitment efforts.

voidALPHA is building all this cool stuff with 5 people: a level designer, concept artist, production manager and 2 environment artists.

Benoit Beauséjour, Founder

Web team here! We’ve spent the whole dreadfully cold month of March neck-deep in new features, and we switched a few priorities here and there to make sure that everything comes out as cool as it can be, but in the right order.

Much design work has been going on to flesh out the mechanics and interfaces for Orgs Drop Two. We want you to have fun roleplaying in your Orgs (yes, plural) and we know you can’t wait to do a bit of espionage of your own. As we move to implementation in the month of April and May expect to see more releases on the specifics of what we are preparing soon!

We’re still revamping the way ship data is handled in the site and more specifically in the store. You’ll be able to browse all the ship data and statistics right from the store pages. Some exciting new visualization features are also in the works!

Our team has been busy keeping up with the heavy Dogfighting Module development across all studios and focusing on producing new info, download and leaderboard views for the release of the DFM to the public. This includes how to get actual match and pilot data across to the site and in your accounts.

In preparation for this launch the crew has performed several server upgrades, maintenance and migrations to make sure the infrastructure is ready for the live release. This means switching to newer, more powerful server instances and preparation for the huge live operations that will follow launch day!

To help with spreading the good news, the Press section has been revamped to include more articles and more stuff for journalists across the globe. March also saw the release of the RSVP system with a first event for PAX East.

Major progress was made in making a new transient room system for the XMPP chat system that should be ready to release soon. So many Orgs were created in such short time we had to change the way the channels were handled. The net result is you will be able to use your Community Monicker in XMPP once this is out and live.

Team stands at solid 8 souls.

Platform team out!
neue Videoliste (Playlists siehe Post weiter oben):

Studio Report - Full Performance Capture Test

Studio Report - Damage States

Inside Cloud Imperium Games - Asteroid Hangar and Room System

Bis Donnerstag
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Mitglied seit
Danke für deine Updates crowbar! :) Hab zwar null Ahnung von dem Game aber interessant sieht es schon aus
Mitglied seit
Ich geh mal davon aus, dass crowbar das ganze nochmal ausführlich machen wird, trotzdem schonmal ne Kurzinfo von meiner Seite:

Dogfighting Module wurde gezeigt ist aber bei weitem noch nicht stabil. Release bis Ende des Monats halte ich für unwahrscheinlich. Hier merkt man halt, dass man bereits sehr früh beim Entwicklungsprozess zuschauen kann. Schöngeföhnte Videos wie z.B. damals bei Half-Life 2 (Wo die gezeigte Gameplaystadt zum großen Teil aus 2D Kulissen bestand wie man dann nach dem Leak rausfand) gibts halt nicht, dafür 1 Mio. Bugs und Freezes.

Die Detailverliebtheit des Games allerdings ist der Hammer. Das reicht von der Startsequenz bei der der Pilot sogar seinen Helm anzieht bis zu so Dingen wie den G-Kräften und daraus resultierendem möglichen Blackout wenn mans mit den Manövern übertreibt. Grafik ist auch absolut brauchbar.

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