- Mitglied seit
- 08.12.2006
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ging mir eben gleich
ging mir eben gleich
Ich habe ein Problem:
Wenn ich SC2 starten will, kommt eine Millisekunde der Patchupdater Screen, geht aber sofort wieder weg und dann passiert gar nichts.
huiiii mutas haben überhaupt keine chance mehr vs phönixe
wenigstens EINES können sie jetzt.
zvp denk ich nun nur noch hydra roach exen spam.. sollte dank koloss nerf jetzt ja sowieso besser gehen
http://us.starcraft2.com/launcher/patch-notes.htmStarCraft II Beta – Patch 11 (version
The latest patch notes can always be found on the StarCraft II Beta General Discussion forum.
Balance Changes
o Battlecruiser
+ The build time has been decreased from 110 to 90.
o Fusion Core
+ The build time has been decreased from 80 to 65.
o Hellion
+ The range has been increased from 5 to 6.
o Planetary Fortress
+ The splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.
o Raven
+ Seeker Missile range has been decreased from 9 to 6.
+ Seeker Missile splash radius has been decreased from 2.4 to 2.
+ Seeker Missile upgrade no longer requires Fusion Core.
o Siege Tank
+ Life increased from 150 to 160.
+ Siege Mode splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.
o Thor
+ Ground damage decreased from 45 to 30.
+ Ground rate of fire improved from 1.93 to 1.28.
+ Air damage changed from 8 (+4 Light) to 6 (+6 Light).
+ 250mm Strike Cannons are now an upgrade at the Factory Tech Lab.
+ 250mm Strike Cannons research now costs 150/150 and 110 seconds.
+ 250mm Strike Cannons energy cost increased from 100 to 150.
+ Anti-Air splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.
o Archon
+ The splash radius has been increased from 0.8 to 1.
+ Splash damage now originates from the center of the target, rather than the impact location near the unit in order to maintain more reliable splash damage.
o Colossus
+ The damage has been decreased from 20 to 15.
+ The rate of fire has been improved from 2.2 to 1.65.
o Phoenix
+ Can now attack while moving.
o Sentry
+ The damage has been decreased from 8 to 6.
o Brood Lord
+ Life has been decreased from 275 to 225.
+ Armor has been decreased from 2 to 1.
o Corruptor
+ Corruptor damage changed from 12 (+10 Massive) to 14 (+6 Massive).
+ Corruptor speed increased from 2.75 to 2.9531
+ Corruption ability redesigned:
# Single target.
# Increases damage taken by 20%.
# Lasts 30 seconds.
# Costs 100 energy.
# Range 6.
# Cannot target structures.
o Infestor
+ Neural Parasite is now an upgrade at the Infestation Pit.
+ Neural Parasite research costs 150/150 and 110 seconds.
+ Neural Parasite can now target Air units.
+ Neural Parasite energy cost increased from 50 to 100.
o Spine Crawler
+ The root time has been increased from 6 to 12.
o Spore Crawler
+ The root time has been increased from 6 to 12.
o Ultralisk
+ Damage has been increased from 18 to 25.
Hotkey Changes
* General
o In order to resolve a conflict with building multiple Forges with the Shift Key we have made the following changes:
+ Changed Center Camera from Shift+F to Ctrl+F.
* Standard
o To prevent the accidental research of Ventral Sacs when trying to train an Overlord with no Larva available, the hotkey has been changed from V to E.
o View Own Health Bars functionality added to the Backslash key
* Standard for Lefties
o Due to a conflict with research Banshee Cloak, research Seeker Missile has been changed from L to K.
o To correct a conflict with the Attack command on Planetary Fortress, train SCV has been changed from K to J.
o In order to prevent the accidental training of Zerglings when using the Select Larva hotkey,train Zergling has been changed from L to J.
o To prevent the accidental training of a Queen, train Ultralisk has been changed from U to T.
o To prevent the accidental research of Pneumatized Carapace when trying to train a corruptor with no Larva available, research Pneumatized Carapace has been changed from P to C.
o View All Status Bars has been changed from Q to the Alt key.
o View own Status Bars functionality has been added to the Q key.
* Grid for Lefties
o Attack Move and all other buttons in the 0,4 position should now function correctly.
o View Own Status Bars functionality added to Q.
o View Enemy Status Bars moved to W.
o View Ally Status Bars moved to E.
* Classic
o Changed build Nydus Canal from P to N.
o Changed Place Nydus Canal ability from P to N.
o Terran Infantry Weapon researches have been changed from E to W.
o Terran Vehicle Weapon researches have been changed from E to W.
o Train Thor hotkey has been changed from O to G.
o Train Viking hotkey has been changed from Y to W.
o View Own Status Bars functionality has been added to the Backslash key.
Icon Position Changes
* To put all race gas extractors in the same icon position, the positions of the Supply Depot/Refinery and Pylon/Assimilator have been swapped.
* In order to make transforming multiple Gateways easier for players using Grid key sets, Transform to Gateway has been moved to a separate icon position (2,1).
Bug Fixes
* Corrected an issue that was causing the Polish language client to crash when receiving the "player is no longer being revealed” message.
* Corrected incorrect battle.net links on multiple language clients pages.
* Corrected an issue where the Zealot was using an US English voice over in the Korean language client.
* Corrected an issue where a player is unable to build any structures that require pylon power when their protoss ally leaves.
* Units can no longer be healed or repaired while in transports.
* Corrected an issue where the Creep Tumor targeting circle was visible to opponents through Fog of War.
* Corrected an issue in which selecting a Starport under construction and a completed Starport would display the select builder command in the Viking slot.
* Corrected the Broodling weapon icon.
Welcher Koloss nerf?
Ich sehe ZvP vor die Hunde gehen. FF wurde wieder nicht generft, OHO, 2 dmg weniger für Sentrys, na das wird das MU revolutionieren.
Sentry- The damage has been decreased from 8 to 6.
We are seeing a lot of Force Fields which we really, really like. We don’t want to see fewer Force Fields, but we do want to see a higher cost for those Force Fields. By reducing Sentry damage we believe that Protoss players will have to be more careful about the number of Sentry they make.
Ein Nexus startet nun obendrein mit 0 Energie.
Blizz scheint wohl übelst geil auf FF zu sein.
Vorallem die Begründung ....
Hab ja angefangen mit Toss zu Spielen vor 7-8 Wochen.
Aber schon seit geraumer Zeit machts einfach kein Spaß mehr, weil ich sauoft gegen Toss Spiele und da einfach nur Sentrys FF Gespamme ist...boring.
Race Change FTW ;P
Kanns sein dass das Spiel schneller ist? Oo
Toll, Grid Keys funzen bei Toss immernoch nicht, Warpgates sind immer noch Y und Probes bauen weiter mit Y-Hotkey, immernoch unspielbar in meinen Augen.
Vielen dank Blizzard.![]()
Infestor- Neural Parasite is now an upgrade at the Infestation Pit, research costs 150/150 and 110 seconds, can now target Air units, energy cost increased from 50 to 100.
was hält ihr davon? ich halte es für einen RIESEN fehler. Was passiert eigentlich wenn ein Infestor ein dropship übernimmt, der vollgeladen ist?
danke für verteidigungwahrscheinlicher ist, dass er deutsch einfach nicht so gut kann, weil's nicht seine mutterpsrache ist![]()
Das ging vor Patch 8 oder 9 auch. Die meisten fetten air units haben eh größere range und man hat ja nicht nur eine von. gerade mit air ist infestor rausfocusen ziemlich easy. aber auf der anderen seite sehr nützlich für zerg wenn man mal von 2 void rays geharrasst wird und man geschafft hat einen infestor rauszuquetschen.
Man übernimmt nur das Dropship die Units kann man ausladen gehören aber nicht einem selber.
denke der neue skill des corruptors ist am ehesten vergleichbar mit fearie fire der talons aus wc3
Toll, Grid Keys funzen bei Toss immernoch nicht, Warpgates sind immer noch Y und Probes bauen weiter mit Y-Hotkey, immernoch unspielbar in meinen Augen.
Vielen dank Blizzard.![]()
Ich weiß nicht ob das Spiel schneller geworden ist, aber der Delay ist weg. Es spielt sich einfach deutlich besser.
In 10 Spielen hast du dich dran gewöhnt.Hab gerade ein Match nach dem patch hinter mir und blizz hat eindeutig das speed angezogen. Und das geht ja mal gar nicht.... alles viel zu schnell und ich komm kaum hinterher meine mins auszugeben. Jetzt bitte kein "noob bist zu lahm" gelaber. Blizz ändert hoffentlich schnell wieder den speed, so ist es kaum spielbar.
In 10 Spielen hast du dich dran gewöhnt.
Oder du bist wirklich zu langsam.
denke der neue skill des corruptors ist am ehesten vergleichbar mit fearie fire der talons aus wc3