naja, die mp3s? und irgendwelche nachrichten im html sourcecode verstecken?
und die postings, die gemacht wurden in den fanclub-threads von allen EG gamern? und der hintergrund der HP ändert sich auch, also nachrichten kommen dazu
und dann haben EG leute noch private nachrichten auf TL an verschiedene random TL-user verschickt mit "geheimen botschaften".
also wirklich unschuldig ist EG nicht so ganz
edit: interessanter post:
Kennigit (a TL admin) wrote a few days ago "Some massive drama is going down in about a week that people have known about for months" ( While Huk moving from TL to EG would be big news, Kennigit's post and the huge amount of hype that is happening around the EG website suggests there is more.
Doa tweeted yesterday "Let it be known that I was the first foreigner ever to play CJ Leta in SC2. That guy is pretty good btw. T.T" He also mentioned that Leta visited the GOM house personally.
Broodwar is losing its viability in Korea. One of the two television channels that broadcasts Broodwar in Korea is being turned into a music video channel, and the collapse of MBC will also mean the end of the MSL, one of the two mainstays of professional Broodwar in Korea over the past decade
There are rumors that EG has recently acquired a large new sponsor, this could provide them with the amount of money needed to sign top BW pros who would expect large salaries.
EG leaked a password to a Hushmail account which contained an email with the text "3a44392f6e70f2f6df4ba8ede97b6b32 d209acc50756c3a9addfe5abc8f1de12dd3dce3fe93b45996707bd1569a92800" which a TL user has translated to " titans will finally move from old to new its a new era its all the work of a genius" A lot of contracts players have with their BW teams expire this month, could more BW pros be moving over to SC2 (the titans move from old to new) and possibly join EG (a genius)?
Sir Scoots and Idra have been tweeting messages recently that suggest the end of something. Idra tweeted "it was fun", and Sir Scoots responded "GG". Possibly referring to the end of Broodwar competition as more players move over to SC2.
Another motivation for BW pros to switch to SC2 could have to do with Puma. While he was a strong BroodWar player, he was far from one of the elite competitors. He switches over to SC2, and almost immediately wins a large tournament (NASL) over one of the best SC2 players in MC. He then immediately received a contract with the most lucrative progaming team outside of Korea. BW pros could see the SC2 scene as something that they could easily dominate and make a lot of money off of if Puma was able to win a major tournament after only a few months.