Wow, das warn echt viele Punkte. Na hoffentlich habt ihr noch genügend Karten für die nächste Krise. Nicht. 

Water Shortage
President Chooses: -1 Food. OR The President discards 2 Skill Cards, then the Current Player discards 3 Skill Cards.
Activate Basestars, Prepare for Jump
Massive Assault
1) Activate Heavy Raiders, Activate Basestars. 2) Setup Ships. 3) Power Failure: Move the Fleet token 2 spaces towards the start of the Jump Preparation track.
Elections Loom - 8(5) Politik Führerschaft
Pass: No Effect; 5+: -1 Morale; Fail: -1 Morale, and the President discards 4 Skill Cards.
Activate Heavy Raiders, Prepare for Jump