hab jetzt meinen wunschmod gefunden, damit wirds nun erstaunlich realistisch. hab jetzt hundert jahre gespielt und europa steht noch weitesgehend, frankreich ist noch mitten in der einigung, castile prügelt sich mit aragorn und schweden versucht zum dritten mal die unabhängigkeit zu erringen, diesmal mit der hilfe der gesamten brandenburgischen armee (stolze vier infantrie regimenter
), funny as hell ohne blobbing.
Cae's Expensive Wars
-Units cost less to build, especially during wartime
-Units cost more to maintain during peacetime.
-Mercenaries are slightly cheaper than vanilla
-War taxes now reduce the cost of armies by much more (this number is currently in balancing tests)
-War taxes increase war exhaustion again
-War exhaustion now increses unrest by 1.25, rather than 1, reduces taxes by 0.001, increases land maintenance by 1%, reduces reinforcement and manpower recovery by 0.05.
-Participation score for sieges is now .1, and .09 for battles
-Inflation from loans is now .35
-Siege diseases are now slightly more deadly
-Attackers lose less in assault than before -Mercenary support limit increased to 90
-Wargoal max bonus increased -Warscore max from battles increased
-Overrun factor increased to 30, 10 if the army can't flee
-Cannot retreat days decreased to 3
-Days per battle phase decreased to 1
-Combat dice increased to have 13 sides
-Combat Length Damage Modifier increased to 0.05
-Several technologies starting in 1622 increase mercenary cost and decrease land maintenance