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Circle (2015)
50 scheinbar zufällig sortierte Menschen finden sich in einer diabolischen Maschine wieder, ohne Erinnerungen daran zu haben, wie sie dorthin kamen. Alle zwei Minuten tötet die Maschine einen der Anwesenden per Mehrheitsabstimmung.
Allianzen formen sich und zerbrechen während die "Spieler" versuchen, als letzer den Raum lebend zu verlassen oder das Richtige zu tun.
Ein interessantes Kammerspiel über die menschliche Psyche unterlegt mit überraschend hintergründiger Strategie und Spieltheorie einiger der Anwesenden, die den Raum umbedingt lebend verlassen wollen.
Wem das Werwolfspiel hier im Forum gefällt, dem sei der Film wärmstens ans Herz gelegt. Auch Freund von Puzzle-Twist-Filmen wie Exam, Fermat's Room etc. kommen voll auf ihre Kosten.
"er sagte die ganze zeit nix" wirki war auch ganz gut
Was haltet ihr denn von ner Turborunde?
Startet am Tag, 5 Mitspieler, 3x Town, 1x Jester (gewinnt, wenn er gelyncht wird), 1x Mafia. Wenn die Mehrheit der Mitspieler (inklusive Selfvotes) sich auf ein Opfer geeinigt hat wird "gelyncht". Ist das Opfer Town gewinnt Mafia, beim Jester gewinnt der Jester, bei Mafia gewinnt Town.
Man könnte ja anstelle von Wölfe vs Dorfbewohner besorgte Bürger gegen Neubürger nehmen. Dann rennt uns das Comm die Bude ein.
Falls sich einer den Amok geben will, betrachte dich als nominiert. Ist legit, der Typ hostet den Shit nicht zum ersten Mal, in einem anderen Forum, wo ich hin und wieder reinsteppe, hat letztes oder vorletztes Jahr einer mitgemacht.Hi Utilitygott
I hope you understand English
I'm directing this to you, as I saw you had created a recent werewolf thread, and I wasn't sure who else to contact.
I'm hosting a very big Werewolf/Mafia Championship tournament, featuring 187 different communities, and would like to extend an invitation to your community. I'm hoping this is the best way to go about this.
The Werewolf/Mafia Championship is a super fun event that's been running since 2013. Over the years, 270+ communities, 50+ nationalities and 600+ representatives have participated. More importantly, it has created strong bonds between communities, resulted in countless friendships, and it has even led to people getting married, believe it or not
Several German communities have participated before.
The concept, to explain it very briefly, is that each community elects one person to go represent them in the Championship. I'd be stoked to see you guys represented, so if this invitation intrigues you, feel very free to share it with your fellow community members or run it by the appropriate persons.
If you have any questions, just let me know.
The invitation:
Ahoy there!
I’m very excited to invite your community to participate in Season 6 of the Mafia Championship.
The Mafia Championship is an annual forum-based tournament series that pits representatives from various online Mafia (aka Werewolf) communities against one another as they compete to determine the Internet’s greatest forum Mafia player. Each participating community democratically elects one person to represent them and be their “Champion”.
The tournament first started back in 2013. Since then, 270+ different communities and 50+ different nationalities have been represented.
It’s a super fun event that has created many new friendships and close bonds between communities. I hope that you would be interested in taking part
If your community wishes to participate, please confirm your participation to Thingyman as soon as you can to ensure yourselves a spot. Currently, the plan is to accommodate 187 communities this season (last season featured 170 communities), and if interest is high enough we will expand even further to 204.
If your community agrees to participate, the deadline for selecting your representative is April 26, but the sooner the better.
The games will take place on Mafia Universe. If it’s okay, I can link directly to the general discussion thread regarding this topic on Mafia Universe.
Important notes
- You may decide yourselves how you want to elect your representative, but we highly recommend some sort of democratic process (public nominations followed by a poll usually works out well).
- In addition to electing a representative, you should also name an alternate who will be asked to step in if the first choice needs to back out.
- Your representative should be prepared for having to read upwards of 600 posts per 24 hours during the early stages of the game. Additionally, there’s a requirement that each player must make at least 10 posts per Game Day. Only active players should apply/participate. I repeat: Your chosen player needs to be able to promise a good amount of activity on a daily basis.
The tournament structure
This year’s setup: Mad17
- 187 communities will participate, each sending one representative.
- QUALIFIERS: 11 Qualifying Games will be played, consisting of 17 players each. I.e. every representative plays in one Qualifying Game. The players themselves vote post-game to determine who is deserving of advancement. 1st place will advance directly to the Finale Game (i.e. 11 of the 17 finalists are found this way), while the 2nd place finishers will advance directly to one of the two Wildcard Games.
- WILDCARDS: A Jury consisting of finalists from Season 5 will discuss and vote to determine 23 players in total deserving of a second chance. They will play in 2 Wildcard Games along with the aforementioned 2nd place finishers that advanced directly to these games. From each game, three players will advance to the Finale Game based on a post-game player vote, just like in the qualifying phase.
- THE FINALE: The Finale Game is played. Once it has completed, the players vote to determine who shall receive the title of Season 6 Champion and a winner’s certificate signed by Dmitry Davidoff, the creator of mafia.
The setup is called Mad17 and features 17 players.
13x Town
4x Mafia
Each of the following 17 roles will be assigned at random to one player in the game without regard for the player's alignment. Each role is restricted to using its action only on the nights listed on the chart.
Relevant mechanics info
- Day start
- Role reveals at death are alignment only. You will not learn a player's exact role when they die.
- Majority is not in effect.
- Votes are automatically locked in at LYLO.
- Mafia factional kills are assigned. They can be tracked, watched, or roleblocked.
- Mafia share a factional Night Kill, which is a single standard shot for their faction.
- Mafia members may perform the faction kill in addition to their regular action at the same time.
- Mafia may communicate at any time.
- Tied votes will result in a player being lynched at random from among the tied players.
- Each individual player may make a maximum of 200 posts per day phase (this restriction is lifted 2 hours before day end).
- The game will have a host to oversee everything and make sure everyone’s following the code of conduct, but otherwise the game is completely automated (automatic votecounts, thread locks and reveals roles automatically, the bot receives and processes actions, etc.).
There will be 11 Qualifying Games, and your representative plays in just one of these. They will have start dates during the months of April, May and June. So in other words, as long as your representative can play sometime during that period, they should be good and I’ll make sure they get scheduled into a game that suits their schedule well. I.e. if your rep is busy until June, that isn’t a problem.
Wildcard games will be played in July, and the Finale Game sometime in August/September (whenever we can work out something that suits everyone).
If you want to get in contact with me ASAP, you can find me on Discord (Thingyman#6075).
Kind regards,