Following the release of Whispers of the Old Gods in April 2016, all cards from sets released in 2014 have been removed from Standard format, namely Curse of Naxxramas (July 2014) and Goblins vs Gnomes (December 2014).
Following the release of Journey to Un'Goro in April 2017, Blackrock Mountain (April 2015), The Grand Tournament (August 2015), and The League of Explorers (November 2015) have cycled out of Standard.
Likewise, when the first 2018 expansion goes live, Whispers of the Old Gods (April 2016), One Night in Karazhan (August 2016) and Mean Streets of Gadgetzan (December 2016) will all rotate out of Standard.
When the first 2019 expansion goes live, Journey to Un'Goro (April 2017), Knights of the Frozen Throne (August 2017) and Kobolds and Catacombs (December 2017) will rotate out of Standard.
Letztes Jahr und nicht die letzten zwei Jahre.