You: you are far to greedy
capreolus has reconnected.
capreolus: true :d
wanna prac later?
You: i am a zerg playe r too
capreolus: nice
protoss A -move? xd
You: but i have a project, getting into masterleague with my worst race
capreolus: nice :d
cant get there even with my "strongest" race
You: well it basically is indeed an a-move, if zergs dont know how to react against a passive toss
capreolus: I have less problems with 3base toss
then with style like you did
You: yea i kinda believe that
key is to scout my army constantly and harass, you need units to stop that
its not enough to start unitproduction when u see me move out
capreolus: I thought that u gonna take that 3rd base on tal darim
You: i did wehen i moved out
and zerglings just met away against kolossi
capreolus: voids are much stronger imo
You: i think a good way is to catch the sentrys and thenuse roach hydra corruptor
well they cost 250/150, they have to be strong
mutalisks isnt a good choice in my opinion, as i have 2 stargates, and could easily switch over to 10 phoenix or so
capreolus: true
I try to play with infestors + lings
and late game ultra
its pretty nice vs protoss deathball
without voids..
or maybe 2 in there
but Im too slow with everything, produced infestors too late, so they didnt have energy for enything
You: i have to admid
that i usually walk out when i hit 200/200
in this case
when i see infestors, i walk out cause i know that i have to chance against that late composition with ultras
no chance*
capreolus: ye, its pretty strong
You: but its far too expansive
i guess
capreolus: well, yeah
You: it would be more interesting to play
a decent amount of infestors, with fungal and NP, paired with hydra roach corruptor
capreolus: I hate hydras
You: when you np the kolossi long enough, the hydras are able to clean up
capreolus: and roaches.. ;XD thats why I avoid them
You: well its just my theory but it could work
capreolus: ye, true
You: when i played zerg i had a similar style
capreolus: but hydras are waaay too slow
corruptors suck vs voids
the worst unit ever :XD
You: maybe try to add a macrohatch and harass with lings and stuff
capreolus: ye, I always forgot to do this.. ;c
You: well zergunits may not be equally strong
would be imbalanced otherwise
capreolus: ye, but they should be the strongest air unit, coz Z doesnt have air tier 3
You: there should be time for drop research and baneling drops in minerallines eg
capreolus: ye, planned to do this
but you pushed too early...
without banes - I prefer 2 infestors drop
and fungal :XD
You: i need a zerg trainingpartner too, im gonna add you
capreolus: thats nice
You: but its very expansie
and your infestors are key units you dont wanna lose them
capreolus: true, but I go for lings infestors + ultras late game, so it doesnt matter that much
if you give me like 1min more
I would inf drop in both of ur base
and have 8 in my own base to ur push
with energy
You: well, as we pointed our, that you definetly had tooo many infestors those games
maybe this is not the case
capreolus: it worked before I played vs you..
You: well normally the protoss who play crucher style
arent stopped by this
the keypoint is the army
and i will still grow
capreolus: ye, but most of tosses armies are collosi and stalkers
You: ok mate, i gotta eat witht the familiy, happy heaser
capreolus: vs mine infestors with NP +fungal and mass lings
it works pretty well
You: easter*
capreolus: you too