Cast speed gibt am meisten dps (naja, vielleicht bis auf die 2% nodes). Ich würde auf jeden Fall immer die 3% fcr nodes mitnehmen, wenn ich in der Nähe bin. Intelligenz skillt man als Witch niemals, wenn es nicht sein muss. Du häufst genug Int an, indem du dich einfach im Skilltree bewegst.bin jetzt ne lvl 15 hexe mit eisring/sparks. was lohnt sich denn mehr cast speed/ spell damage, intelligence? punkte in minions stecken? hab nen spectral stein gefunden
Ja, recht kleine Beta (vom Spielerumfang her) und die Grouping Features sind noch nicht drin. Am public weekend wirst du aber ganz sicher viele Gruppen finden.und ist es normal sogut wie keine mitspieler zu finden?
Chris schrieb:Version 0.9.8
- Your passive skill points have not been reset by this patch.
- The legacy migration has not occured at the same time as this patch. We expect to perform it sometime before the weekend. When this occurs, it will move all current Default and Hardcore characters to the Legacy and HC Legacy leagues respectively. Any stashed items will be added as extra “Remove only” tabs in your legacy stashes. Items cannot be placed in these new stash tabs.
- We've added a Friends List to the Social panel. When you add someone to your friends list, it also sends them an invitation offering to add you to theirs.
- You can now set your Account Status at the top of the Social panel. This status is broadcast to people who have you on their friends list.
- Added a new player aura - Clarity: An aura that grants mana regeneration to you and your allies.
- Added a new support gem - Culling Strike: Skills supported by this gem kill enemies reduced to 10% or less life.
- Added a new support gem - Point Blank: Ranged attack skills supported by this gem deal more damage to very close targets and less damage to farther away targets.
- Added a new support gem - Iron Grip: Ranged attack skills supported by this gem have the strength melee damage bonus applied to them.
- Added a new support gem - Iron Will: Spells supported by this gem have the strength melee damage bonus applied to them.
- Added a new support gem - Melee Damage on Full Life: While you're on full life, melee skills supported by this gem deal increased physical damage.
- Added support for queues at the login server if there are too many players online.
- Empty game instances now close earlier if they have no side areas that would cause you to return to them. The values are roughly 8 minutes for areas that don't have side areas and 15 minutes for areas that do.
- Your starting weapon now spawns again in the first area if you're disconnected before picking it up.
- Continued to incrementally improve the art, effects, environments and sound.
- All weapons have been revamped into new sequences that have better level progression and balance. These weapons are spread over three tiers that correspond to the three difficulty levels that will be available when the third act is released. Weapons in the third tier are balanced to not be strictly better than each other.
- Rebalanced many item mods. Some will have changed levels, rendering certain items unusable if you don't meet the new level requirements.
- Returned the defensive properties off armour pieces (that add Armour, Evasion or Energy Shield) to 0.9.6 values. We consider the 0.9.7 armour changes a failed experiment. Monster damage has been rebalanced slightly to accomodate this.
- Most Unique weapons have had new levels and base types assigned to them. Mods have been rebalanced on many of them to take into account their new levels. Existing Unique items will not have had their stats or base types changed.
- The default critical strike changes on weapons have less variance now. The high end ones are slightly lower than they were before.
- The vendor recipe that used to yield 10 Jeweler's Orbs now only yields 7.
- Items for sale in the vendors can now go up to one level above the player's level.
- Reduced monster density in the Submerged Passage levels.
- Increased the damage of Hailrake's Ice Spears on higher difficulties.
- Reduced values of Item Quantity and Item Rarity mods and support gems.
- Reduced the mana cost of Explosive Arrow.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Goatmen using Leap Slam would slide at the end of their jump.
- Fixed a bug where hovers of items were displaced if the game had been resized.
- Fixed a bug where the melee damage bonus from strength didn't affect certain physical damage mods properly.
- The Faster Casting support gem doesn't speed up the Haste aura any more.
- Hidden monsters can no longer be targeted, attacked or damaged until they un-hide.
- Fixed character creation errors so that they're not hard to read any more.
- Fixed a problem where screenshots taken with the F8 key would look wrong.
- Fixed a bug that could cause area transitions to fail rarely.
der build wird richtig bocken:
Wäre der build eigentlich nicht aus templar Sicht besser? Ok, immer templar ist natürlich langweilig aber rein von den passiven Punkten her?der build wird richtig bocken:
jo danke euch, es gibt nur 2 akte? bin irgendwie mit lvl 16 schon im zweiten gelandet obwohl ich mmn alle quests erledigt habe. jetzt mit lvl 22 bin ich auch schon nen gutes drittel durch was macht man denn dann später in dem spiel?
weiss man schon wann a3 dazu kommt?
und was bedeutet legacy, default?
Wenn du länger als 8 Minuten in der Stadt bist, wird die Instanz resettet (15 Minuten für Gebiete mit Nebengebieten). Irgendwann müssen unbenutzte Instanzen halt geschlossen werden, sonst geht der Server in die Knie.-Es stört schon etwas, dass die ganze eingezeichnete Map weg ist und die ganzen Monster wieder da, wenn man etwas länger in der Stadt war.
du kannst auf den Waypoint klicken und dann mit Strg+Klick das Gebiet auswählen, dann siehst du wie alt die Instanz ist und kannst bei Bedarf auch einfach ne neue erstellen (oder halt in die alte springen)cool wärs natürlich wenn dann son Timer ablaufen würde, den man sehen kann, den man vielleicht manuell verlängern kann, aber vielleicht so, dass man das bei dem letzt besuchtem Gebiet machen kann, oder so.
Path Of Exile @pathofexile
Purchasable beta access will be ready either tonight or tomorrow morning (NZ time). There are so many tweets about this.
Richtigstellung: Man wird was aus dem Cash-Shop kaufen können. Wenn man das tut, kriegt man einen Beta Invite als Bonus.