Interessante Artikel im Internet


Casino Port Zion, Community-Forum, SC2 Kontaktbörs
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Wow. Ich habe vor Jahren, waehrend des Besuchs bei Verwandtschaft mal irgendeine Comedyshow im TV gesehen und bei Mario Barth dachte ich mir so "Mensch, das muss wohl der einfaelltigste, anspruchloseste und langweiligste Comedian ever sein". Kam aber super an bei einigen Leuten ... Nun gabs hier in Berlin Plakate mit ihm fuer den Versuch irgendeiner riesen Live-Show oder so. Und nun die eigene Sendung. Traurig mit was man in diesem Land die Massen ansprechen kann.

NewYork Times Artikel ueber dwarf fortress und insbesondere seinem Macher (schon was aelter)

Green Monkey

Lyric-Contest Sieger 2009, Lyric-Contest Sieger 20
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Der Artikel ist nicht komplett schlecht, aber die Wahrheit trifft er auch nicht meiner Meinung nach. Teilweise macht es sich der Autor ein bisschen zu einfach, indem er die Hauptverfehlung bei den öffentlich-rechtlichen Sendern ausmacht. Es ist ja nicht nur die deutsche Fernsehlandschaft nicht so geil, sondern der deutsche Kinofilm ist größtenteils auch Grütze. Außer Komödien mit Til Schweiger funktioniert relativ wenig auf der Leinwand. Und wenn es nur am deutschen Konsumenten läge, dann könnten die ganzen Drehbuch- und Regietalente ja im Ausland mit ihren genialen Ideen durchstarten. Es gibt auf jeden Fall Eigenheiten des deutschen Marktes (z.B. funktionieren Krimis im Fernsehen, aber nicht im Kino), aber es fehlt auch einfach eigene Qualität (und die angegebenen Beispiele "Türkisch für Anfänger" und "Im Angesicht des Verbechens" will ja wohl niemand ernsthaft als international konkurrenzfähig bezeichnen und "Stromberg" ist eben ein Klon von "The Office"). Auf die Idee etwas genuin eigenes zu starten kommen da anscheinend sehr wenig Leute, lieber kopiert man irgendwas amerikanisches auf halbgare Weise. Dazu passen dann auch die Aussagen, dass man ein "deutsche GoT" und ein "deutsches Breaking Bad" entwickelt. Am Ende gibt das dann einfach nur fraglose Enttäuschungen, weil sich keiner erklären kann, dass sich niemand einen Erdkundelehrer aus Leipzig anschaut, der an Bluthochdruck erkrankt ist und deshalb illegal Parkzettel abkassiert.


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The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz

The Internet’s Own Boy follows the story of programming prodigy and information activist Aaron Swartz. From Swartz's help in the development of the basic internet protocol RSS to his co-founding of Reddit, his fingerprints are all over the internet. But it was Swartz's groundbreaking work in social justice and political organizing combined with his aggressive approach to information access that ensnared him in a two-year legal nightmare. It was a battle that ended with the taking of his own life at the age of 26. Aaron's story touched a nerve with people far beyond the online communities in which he was a celebrity. This film is a personal story about what we lose when we are tone deaf about technology and its relationship to our civil liberties.
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The Sixth Extinction?
There have been five great die-offs in history. This time, the cataclysm is us.


The significance of mass extinctions goes beyond the sheer number of organisms involved. In contrast to ordinary, or so-called background, extinctions, which claim species that, for one reason or another, have become unfit, mass extinctions strike down the fit and the unfit at once. For example, brachiopods, which look like clams but have an entirely different anatomy, dominated the ocean floor for hundreds of millions of years. In the third of the Big Five extinctions—the end-Permian—the hugely successful brachiopods were nearly wiped out, along with trilobites, blastoids, and eurypterids. (In the end-Permian event, more than ninety per cent of marine species and seventy per cent of terrestrial species vanished; the event is sometimes referred to as “the mother of mass extinctions” or “the great dying.”)

Once a mass extinction occurs, it takes millions of years for life to recover, and when it does it generally has a new cast of characters; following the end-Cretaceous event, mammals rose up (or crept out) to replace the departed dinosaurs. In this way, mass extinctions, though missing from the original theory of evolution, have played a determining role in evolution’s course; as Richard Leakey has put it, such events “restructure the biosphere” and so “create the pattern of life.” It is now generally agreed among biologists that another mass extinction is under way. Though it’s difficult to put a precise figure on the losses, it is estimated that, if current trends continue, by the end of this century as many as half of earth’s species will be gone.

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The Human Cost of Internet Addiction in Korea

Space in cities (where this is more of an issue) is very limited. Renting a simple field to play soccer inside of Seoul will run you well over $100/hour. In the same vain, most people live in tiny apartments, which means you can't just invite friends over to hang out... and PC Bang cafes are likely central points. Coupled with poor wages for many adults with kids, this means "just go outside and play" isn't readily feasible.


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Confessions From a Spoiled Rich Kid

My first car was a brand new convertible BMW and I was just seventeen years old. We were members of the tennis club and I took as many lessons as I wanted, whenever I wanted. By the time I was 21, I had a pilot’s license and my own single engine airplane stationed at Santa Ana airport. My dad paid for everything, all my housing and education including a BA in Sociology from UC Irvine and an MBA from Santa Clara University. I never worked in college and, in fact, my dad was giving me a hefty monthly allowance, for as long as I can remember, even after college.


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The Dark Side of the Koshien Dream

Professionelles Baseball in Japan und seine Schattenseiten

Yet overuse extends to the position players as well, and there are still many coaches who use their players until they break because of the intense pressure to win. There are no rules in place to prevent this from happening, only the (usually uncertified) coach’s judgment.

This win-at-all-costs mentality starts early in Japan because of the knockout format that prevails in tournaments that lead to junior and youth nationals. The work ethic so admired in Koshien athletes sometimes comes from firm discipline, but it can also be traced to the single-minded pursuit of winning.