Ich hab gerade auf TL gesehen, dass die erste vage Ankündigung zu 1.5 raus ist. U.a. wird es einige Anpassungen bzgl. der Chatchannels geben. Den ganzen Text von Dustin Browder gibts hier: http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/45..._with_Game_Director_Dustin_Browder_-3_12_2012
Edit: inStarcraft.de News mit dt. Posting und Zusammenfassung der Neuerungen
Terrible Terrible Browder schrieb:Patch 1.5 Is Coming
The upcoming 1.5 patch will be our most feature-laden patch to date. This patch represents the first steps towards the release of our first expansion for StarCraft II, Heart of the Swarm, and will include numerous upgrades and fixes throughout the game. One of the most significant additions will be the all new Arcade feature which includes improved custom game visibility, ratings, reviews, game instructions, screenshot support, and more. Patch 1.5 will also include significant improvements throughout the overall user interface, streaming support, antialiasing, editor and modding upgrades, new art tools, and more. We’ll go into further details about these features in future developer updates. In this update, I would like to provide some insight into the thinking and motivation behind a few of the upcoming changes.
Edit: inStarcraft.de News mit dt. Posting und Zusammenfassung der Neuerungen
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