Mass ghosts vs Z

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wollte eigentlich nich den aufwand betreiben das rauszusuchen. aber hier :)

Den Thread kannte ich bereits, man sollte ihn aber auch lesen und das Replay schauen. ;)

it is absurd to call that replay a display of high level play. First off both sides macromanagement was absolutely horrible. For without even maxing their armies, the zerg player rocked 2500 minerals, and 1500 gas, while the terran got to 4000minerals and 3000 gas. And no ones army was above 130 food count.

Second the zerg player initially went ling/bling into mutas. However he had no infestors, and the hellions were easily able to outrun and fight the ling blings. Also the zerg player multiple times suicided his mutas into an army of ghosts without even trying to engage any units. The zergs micro was likewise horrible as he let the hellions and ghosts routinely separate his blings and cut the to shreds without any damage. The zerg player also let numerous overlords get absolutely destroyed multiple times. Beyond this the zerg player macros so badly, continually forgetting to spawn larva and never once uses a creep tumor (even though both of his queens have 200 energy at one point) to spread the creep which leads directly to his overlords being continually sniped. Beyond this he never tries to place a couple of spine crawlers near his ramp and at the top of his expansion, so as to stop the hellions from getting into the mineral lines of his natural expansion.

Third, For the love of god why didn't the zerg player build infestors? a single infestor would have been able to trap that ball of hellions so that the lings blings might have been able to catch them. Also what happened to the good ol roach hydra army which is so very powerful against hellions? This zerg never even tries to get so hydras, never tries to get ultras, never burrows his blings using them as mines. Really the zerg player here totally and completely threw away the game.

Fourth, there was a fight between a 14 roach army, and a 10 hellion 10 ghost and 1 marine army. the roach army costs 1050 minerals 350 gas, and 14 food, whereas the terran army costs 2550 minerals, 1500 gas, and 41 food. And at the end of the battle only 5 ghosts survive. Simply put a roach spamming noob would have had more roaches, and easily been able to win the battle, whereas this "high level" player was completely ridged and never really tried to counter this ghost hellion spam, and therefore the zerg player threw away the game.

Fifth, the final battle with the broodlords is between 3 broodlords and 12 ghosts with 3 medivacs backing them up. the cost of the broodlords 900 minerals, 750 gas, and 12 food. the cost of the 12 ghosts and 3 medivacs is, 2100 minerals, 2100 gas, and 30 food. If the ghosts failed to kill the broodlords we should be screaming about how IMBA the broodlords are, and how underpowered the ghost is.

Simply put this terran strat is a fun one, but it is wicked easy to counter, for the standard roach hydra army would have completely demolished this hellion-ghost army. Now if you find a replay of Machine or a similarly skilled zerg, going up against this army and being completely unable to counter it; then I will believe the power of this strategy.
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Mitglied seit
scumbag ist das wirklich dein ernst?

€: habe nun das replay gesehn.

zerg hat grottenschlecht gespielt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Ich hab Ghosts ausprobiert, aber in Massen würd ich sie jetz nich umbedingt pumpen, sind gegen Zerg ganz nett, da du die Exen mit dem Nuklearschlag gut umnuken kannst, dann evtl. auf MMM umsteigen???



Marauder / Ghost müsste eigentlich ziemlich rocken.

Ghosts sind sehr stark gegen alles außer Roach und Baneling. Marauder fangen Banelinge ab und kontern Roaches. Einziges Problem: Gas! Man wird wohl ne fe spielen müssen :(

wie geht eigentlich der typische Terra fe build? (gerne mit verdeutlichung durch replay)...
Mitglied seit
wenn du mich fragst ist fe unspielbar, weil der zerg dann viel zu viele dronen pumpen kann.

möglich wäre sowas:

10 depot
13 rax
15 gas
16 cc
17 maschinendock

unter der choke blocken.

aber wie bereits gesagt unspielbar, man wird einfach outmassed wenn der zerg auf eco spielt.
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Nunja, eine Strat um jeden Preis durchzuziehen kann kaum funktionieren. (zumindest im Betastadium;) )
Durch die fast Ghosts gewisst du irgenwie keinen Vorteil, der diesen harten Tech rechtfertigen würde.

Im ersten Rep hättest du natürlich gewinnen können ohne die Strat zu testen.
Das zweite hätte mehr Potetial gehabt, allerdings 'musstest' du die Fe mit Mutas hinnehmen; Irgendwie schreit das nach 2 Ports Banshees:D