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Weiß jemand zufällig, wo man den Film noch bekommen kann?State of Play: E-Sports in South Korea
Dokumentation über Jaedongs Alltag als Progamer (47 Minuten). Unbedingt ansehen.
Weiß jemand zufällig, wo man den Film noch bekommen kann?State of Play: E-Sports in South Korea
Dokumentation über Jaedongs Alltag als Progamer (47 Minuten). Unbedingt ansehen.
What's the Problem with Feminism?
Mark Manson schreibt über Feminismus. Würde gerne eure Meinung zu dem Artikel hören.
ALBUQUERQUE — Wander into El Super, a sprawling grocery store in the same valley where fortune seekers on horseback laid claim nearly four centuries ago to one of Spain’s most remote possessions, and the resilience of the language they brought with them stands on display.
Reggaetón, the musical genre born in Puerto Rico, blares from the speakers. Shoppers mull bargains in the accents of northern Mexico. A carnicería offers meat, a panadería bread, a salchichonería cold cuts, and there’s also a tortillería — that one’s self-explanatory for many who never even studied the language of Cervantes.
“Everything I need here is in Spanish,” said Vanessa Quezada, 23, an immigrant from the Mexican state of Chihuahua, gesturing toward the branch of the First Convenience Bank, where tellers greet people with a smile and “Buenas tardes.”
The new reality is captured by a single, stark fact: Across the world, more people are now obese than underweight. At the same time, scientists say, the growing availability of high-calorie, nutrient-poor foods is generating a new type of malnutrition, one in which a growing number of people are both overweight and undernourished.
Finally, after all that time, I could write eight hours a day — and the outcome was completely bad. Number one, I was forced to confront the fact that I had a completed inflated sense of my own abilities. Number two, I was forced to confront the difficult reality that I had much more work to do before I could become even a competent writer.
The German show Tatort’s ‘Hardcore’ episode (a television series that has been running since 1970!) caused the biggest blow to site traffic, dropping by 15% in Germany.
Sebastian Deisler war als Jahrhunderttalent erkoren, zerbrach aber an einer physischen und psychischen Tortur. Vor elf Jahren trat er zurück. Mit 27. Wie konnte es so weit kommen?
The Digital Ruins of a Forgotten Future
Second Life was supposed to be the future of the internet, but then Facebook came along. Yet many people still spend hours each day inhabiting this virtual realm. Their stories—and the world they’ve built—illuminate the promise and limitations of online life.
The prognosis for those with type 2 diabetes is much worse than for those with HIV. The risk of stroke in newly treated type 2 diabetes is more than double that of the general population. People with diabetes are four times more likely to have cardiovascular disease than someone without diabetes. In 20 to 30 per cent of people with diabetes, there’s damage to the kidney filtering system leading to kidney failure and the need for dialysis. Damage to the delicate vessels in the eye is a leading cause of blindness and damage to nerves is a leading cause of foot wounds and ulcers, which frequently lead to foot and leg amputations. For those with HIV, providing they take their medication, there are very few problems.
HIV now no longer reduces your life expectancy, while having type 2 diabetes typically reduces it by ten years
Throughout its brief history, HIV has been both medicalised as a disease and moralised as a stigma. It is the social impact of the condition that now forms the focus after a diagnosis, often far more than the physical aspects. It is the fear of being ostracised that is the biggest problem for those who are newly diagnosed, not the virus itself. Rates of depression in those with HIV are nearly ten times higher than among the general public, in no small part because of the stigma that remains attached to the condition. And if HIV still has status as a scary disease, that’s down to society’s attitude — rather than the virus itself.
“I had finally made it to the summit, so to speak, and I just wanted to see what this so-called level 1 test was made of. I scored 7 points. Total.”
How you handle ideas from new programmers sends an important signal. Good or bad, it sets the stage for what they expect. This determines if they share more ideas in the future… or keep their mouth shut.
Sadly not everyone was happy about these alterations. Users demanded to know what the "quier stuff" was about and threatened to revoke their membership. So I made 50 of my friends administrators to help enforce the transition.
The showdown that occurred that night in front of just seven people behind locked doors was a legendary matchup by just about any standard. It posited two highly dynamic 23-year-old martial artists who shared a compelling—almost yin/yang-like—symmetry between them: the quiet ascetic and the boisterous showman, traditional against modern, San Francisco vs. Oakland, Northern Shaolin against Southern.
He’d slept less than 15 hours in the past four days and was beginning to feel like a walking pile of human garbage, yet he was hesitant to crawl home to bed because he was a superstitious man who’d been winning in spite of his extracurricular activities. It was shortly after four o’clock in the morning when he went back to his hotel to lie awake in bed and strategize all the ways he might defeat the best German in the game. The sun was making its way across the Atlantic by the time he closed his eyes.
It was the team at Anderson’s apartment - it was trashed. There was a boot print on the front door, the lock shattered. Drawers were pulled out of dressers. There were no drugs, just some digital scales and roughly 10 different mobile phones. Someone had beaten the officers there.
Until March of that year, it had not been legal to keep bees in the city. A few beekeepers had evaded the ban by camouflaging their hives with faux-brick contact paper or otherwise making them blend in with the rooftops. The outlaws got a kick out of defying former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, who had initiated the ban. Immediately after the Board of Health voted to lift it, the number of beekeepers multiplied.
Ms. K, 74
Has stolen Coca-Cola, orange juice
Third term, sentence undisclosed
Has a son and a daughter
“I was living on welfare. It was hard. When I’m released, I will manage to live with 1,000 yen [$9] a day. I don’t have anything to look forward to outside.”
Hugo award nominated short story: The story of a woman who finds herself invited to a conference at which all of the attendees are herself from different parallel worlds. Then one of them kills another one and she has to investigate.
Schweden ist auf dem Weg in eine bargeldlose Gesellschaft schon weit vorangekommen. In einer aktuellen Untersuchung geben nur ein Viertel der SchwedInnen an, wenigstens einmal pro Woche noch mit Barem zu hantieren. Weniger als 15 Prozent aller Transaktionen werden mit Bargeld abgewickelt, das Gros dagegen mit Bank- und Kreditkarten oder den immer populäreren Bezahl-Apps. Die Zahl der Läden mit dem Hinweis „kontantfri butik“, bargeldloses Geschäft, wächst. Sogar die überwiegende Zahl der Bankfilialen funktioniert mittlerweile „kontantfria“.
A few weeks ago, on Free Comic Book Day, Bob Bretall came back from his local indie comic shop with about 480 new comics. It was a monster haul, sure, but you have to see it from his perspective. When you own the world's largest personal comic book collection, with well over 100,000 individual issues, no purchase, short of maybe buying an entire comic book shop, is going to seem particularly monumental.
To understand Naomi Osaka, the brightest young talent in tennis, you don’t have to understand the sport. You need to know Overwatch. It’s a popular video game, and it’s the first thing she mentions when we start talking at Evert Tennis Academy in Boca Raton, Florida, where she usually trains, just a five-minute bike ride from her home.