Original geschrieben von homer
ich hoffe mal es wird kein 3d wie bei wc3 D;
Original geschrieben von homer
ich hoffe mal es wird kein 3d wie bei wc3 D;
Original geschrieben von ash.PhiL
Seht es bitte ein. Bei Bw passt es genau.
Du brauchst strategisches wissen und verständniss um gut sein zu können. Willst du Top sein, brauchst du auch noch speed und erfahrung dazu.
Es ist schon sehr gut gemacht mit Bw..
Sc2 kann Sc / bw net toppen..
glaubt mirs..
es kann ja ruhig 3D werden, solange nicht so ein 3D wird wie in WC3Original geschrieben von Koestritzer
ban plz für den nächsten der diesen dummen satz nachsprallt.
blizzard wird nach eigenen aussagen definitiv nicht zu 2d zurückkehren - warum auch?
mit einer 3d engine kann man alles machen was eine 2d engine ermöglicht - nur noch wesentlich mehr.
was die entwickler dann daraus machen ist ihnen überlassen...
man kann mit einer 3d engine games machen die aussehen wie 2d - aber für den programmierer mehr möglichkeiten bieten.
Original geschrieben von EvenTheSame
Diese Dinge sind bereits im heutigen BW möglich, allerdings würden sie, wenn entsprechende Hacks veröffentlicht würden, in der Community wahrscheinlich nur auf Ablehnung stoßen...Original geschrieben von Blue.4D
- größere Gruppen (warum nicht gleich unbegrenzt)
- Gebäude zusammenfassen in Gruppen
- Startpunkte auf mins oder gas für sonden die dann auch dort ernten
Original geschrieben von Muell
wäre schön wenn sich einer oder mehrere blizzard games entwickler den thread mal durchlesen würden
bzw kann net jmd mal die besten ideen in engl. übersetzten und an blizzard schicken? O _o
Original geschrieben von Blue.4D
Ebenfalls wären Kreise um die Units, die deren Reichweite angeben recht praktisch...
Original geschrieben von Koestritzer
genau, ich wette die wären nie im leben auf die ideen gekommen und werden die in sc2 noch schnell einbauen!
Original geschrieben von www.ungosu.de
it would be clever to have a button next to every players nickname that he must activate before the game creator can start. This eliminates the “is everyone ready?” asking in bnet and the problem of "oh my god i forgot to pick race - plz lets start again!!!" or "damn i was getting something to eat, remake please!". Some players even try to change race in the last second and hope the other doesnt notice it to get an advantage.
“Advanced Shared Vision”:
players in the same team should get all the information from the other players he would see in the replay: minerals/gas, supply, units in buildings/shuttles and upgrade progress. This would help to avoid many questions in game and could enhance the teamplay because one player can warn his teammate if he has too much minerals/gas and produces nothing.
players should have the choice of Zerg/Terran/Protoss/Observer. Observers can turn map fog on and off like in replays and can activate shared vision with the players they want. Observers can only “chat to all” or “chat to observers”, never chat or whisper to one of the players. This feature would make all the special built “observer-maps” unnecessary or this “plz let me observe, i use terran and fly away!”. Observers should need no "start position", so that there can be a total of 8 Users in each game. (Players on map + Observers = 8)
“Replay Information”:
When selecting a replay in the game creation dialoge, more informations like game date, players, races, server and game lenght should be displayed. (server because replays cannot be faked via LAN play then)
In the “Vision-Dialogue” should be a cross to set, for which player the replay viewer want to have the hotkeys.
“Replay Compatibility”:
SC/BW should automatically detect the engine with that the replay was recorded and use the same engine for the replay. Thats not complicated, every patch just has to back-up all necessary files from the previous version to an subdirectory.
save the public chat of players and observers in the replay. There are often situations where the communication between two players or the comments of the observers would be VERY interesting. There should be a cross to set in the chat-options named "whisper chat" which means that chat is "whispered" to allys or player and will not be saved in the replay.
In the replay the in-game-chat is displayed in the color of the player in this form: “Player1[to all]: hi!”. Chat of the Replay-Viewers is displayed in standard green.
“Replay Save Directory”:
When saving a replay, the user should be able to choose a different directory (subdirectory of ...\replays).
Players should be able to select multiple buildings of the same type for setting rallypoints and production as used by carriers and reavers. Players should be able to save those groups to numbers like groups of units.
If selected a group of units with spellcasters in it, the most advanced spellcasters spells should be available for hotkeying.
If multiple casters of one type are selected while casting a spell, only the one with the most mana will cast the spell. (because it is senseless to make 3 psistorms at once...). This does not affect abilities that cost no mana (burrow, siege mode, stim etc.) and cloaking abilities.
“Round Patrol”
if selecting a unit that is on patrol, start and endpoint of the patrol-path should be displayed. Holding down “shift” while setting a patrol path makes a unit patrol not only a single line, the unit will move to all waypoints and from the last back to the first in reverse order. If the last and the first Waypoint are in the same area (between first and last waypoint is no obstacle and the last waypoint is in the patroling units vision-range of the first waypoint), the engine automatically closes the path to an round patrol. The unit will circle around this path until it gets new orders.
“Placement Priority”
when placing a building all units that use this area automatically make place for the building.
“Movement Priority”
A Unit or Group with orders (move, attack, patrol etc.) always have priority in using the place they need for movement. Other unselected units with no orders automatically make place for the moving unit/group and return to they former positions when the unit/group is gone.
“Attack Rally”
Units which come out of a building by using a rally point are in attack-move-mode so they defend automatically if enemies are around. (or player can chose between attack-rally or "move-rally" in his options menue.)
“Gather Rally”
Rally Points of Hatch/CC/Nexus can be placed on minerals/gas so the workers automatically start gathering after being produced.
“RightClick Rally”
All Rally Points of Buildings or Building Groups can be set by using Right-Click.
Terran SCV can get an upgrade researched in the science facility named “Damage Detector”. When upgraded every scv can be "tranformed" to an "mobile repair vehicle" that slow, but automatically replairs damaged buildings and vehicles. The transformed SCV cannot gather mins or gas any more, and the transformation cannot be undone. The transformation cost mins/gas. (same system as used for Hydralisk -> Lurker transformation)
Protoss Shield Batteries can be upgraded in the robotics support bay that they can automatically reload damaged units shields in their surrounding area. After the upgrade the Shield Battery can use “hold position” to auto-load shields in range. Reloading Shields no longer prevents units from attacking.
“Blind Grenade”
Change this spell to area-effective with an range of 3x3 (like irradiation). It does affect all units in the selected area, own and enemy, cloaked or not. Does not affect burrowed units or units in stasis field. Blind Grenades should affect stationary defence systems like turrets and cannons too. The effect should vanish after 60 seconds.
“Map Support”
All international used maps like Gaema Gowon, Hall of Valhalla, Bifrost, ForbiddenZone etc. pp. should be considered as “Blizzard approved” Maps. They can be used especially in Ladder games or Advanced Clanwar games.
Every Player should be able to change all keys in his Options-Menue, this would erase all problems with “illegal” tools like “doxstar” or the “hotkeychangers”. An option to change mice buttons (for left-handed people) should be available.
Original geschrieben von Koestritzer
ban plz für den nächsten der diesen dummen satz nachsprallt.
blizzard wird nach eigenen aussagen definitiv nicht zu 2d zurückkehren - warum auch?
mit einer 3d engine kann man alles machen was eine 2d engine ermöglicht - nur noch wesentlich mehr.
was die entwickler dann daraus machen ist ihnen überlassen...
man kann mit einer 3d engine games machen die aussehen wie 2d - aber für den programmierer mehr möglichkeiten bieten.