On win32 open
On win64 open
or if using Google Chrome (as Chrome now comes with the Flash plugin) open
Keep Flash 10.1 in Full Screen on a Second MonitorNow right-click on the .dll file, select "Open With," tell Windows you'll "Select from a list" to open it, then point to the XVI32 executable contained in the package you downloaded. As Brampton explains, the exact two-character code you'll need to change will differ between Flash versions, but there's a basic string you can search for. As of the latest version of Flash for Chrome (, you'll hit the Search menu and select Find (or hit Ctrl+F), then search for this string of hex bytes:
74 39 83 E8 07 74 11 83 E8 05 75 13 8B
The 74 and 75 "bytes" will likely always stay the same, and some of the characters between them, but other nearby bytes may change. Your job is to change the first two bytes in that string ("74 39" in this case) to "90 90". Before you try to save your changes, make sure that you've got a backup copy of the original, and then close down all your browser windows before saving, or you'll encounter a "sharing" error of some sort. If you have successfully saved your changes, copy the file back to its original location, then re-launch your browser.
As noted, these specifics will change—the Flash version, and the exact byte string you're searching for. Using Brampton's guide, though, you should be able to update your Flash builds whenever you lose the ability to catch the worthwhile bits from Saturday Night Live while, um, totally working really hard on a Friday.