Starcraft 2 in Paris

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Ich hab n WC3-Zocker-Kumpel, der in Paris wohnt. Ich kann dem ja mal sagen, der soll da hin gehen und n ausführlich Bericht an mich liefern :D
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Naja... mich würde es eigentlich eher wundern, wenn es genau die gleiche Version wie von der BlizzCon ist...
Die Marketingstrategen haben sicher wieder dafür gesorgt, dass wieder eine neue Einheit, ein neuer Aspekt oder sonst etwas dabei ist... schließlich will man ja immer im Fokus der Aufmerksamkeit bleiben :D


StarCraft 2
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Ich fürchte da muss ich dir widersprechen MagicRabbit.

Bei meinem Gespräch mit Xordiah in Wien habe ich sie auch gefragt, ob es Unterschiede zur Blizzcon Version gibt, oder ob sie weiterhin verwendet wird.

Die Antwort war, es sei einfach extrem viel Aufwand eine Demo zusammenzustellen, die dann öffentlich gespielt werden kann. Die ESL Finals in den verschiedenen Ländern sind halt recht kleine Events aus Blizzard Sicht, daher wird keine neue Version gemacht und die Zeit lieber in die Entwicklung des eigentlichen Spiels gesteckt.

Dass wir mehr oder weniger nur die angestaubte Oktober 08 Version zu Gesicht bekommen finde ich aber auch nicht schlimm. Besser als garnichts und ich sehe das sowieso eher als schönes Goody, da ja Blizzard eigentlich nichts mit der ESL am Hut hat.
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seh ich auch so.. wayne anspielversionen am arsch
der welt.. die sollen lieber schleunigst an sc2
arbeiten und bald mal die beta releasen! :)
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Auch für Amerikaner ist Paris nicht der "Arsch der Welt". :D
@Topic: Ist überhaupt jemand dort, wenn ja: Bitte einen schönen (ausführlichen) Bericht.
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Blizzard hat ja auch nen Sitz in/bei Paris, von demher hat das amerikanische HQ mit dem Event nicht soo viel am Hut ;)


StarCraft 2
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naja aber das kümmert sich wohl hauptsächlich um wow europe und vll noch die euro websiten / bnet server

bezweifle das die von alleine irgendwo demo versionen verbreiten dürfen ^^
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natürlich net, wird halt alles aus irvine raus koordiniert ;)

ich bezog mich jetzt eher auf Micha85, das klang so als würden direkt aus den staaten ein paar leutchen kommen um in paris sc2 zu demonstrieren ;)
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Original geschrieben von Pikkart
natürlich net, wird halt alles aus irvine raus koordiniert ;)

ich bezog mich jetzt eher auf Micha85, das klang so als würden direkt aus den staaten ein paar leutchen kommen um in paris sc2 zu demonstrieren ;)

Ich wollte nur witzig sein (hat mal wieder nicht geklappt :(). Jedenfalls wollte ich nichts bestimmtes damit aussagen...
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Ein Erfahrungsbericht:

(von Google aus dem französischen ins Englische übersetzt)


by Ng13-terenas goggle transalation I will do too little review ESL for those who have not had the chance to move ...

Firstly thank you to Blizzard community team for their warm welcome, and thank you Xordiah (among others) for organizing the mini King of the Hill on Sunday! YaY a T-Shirt "I <3 SC" to complete my collection of posters SC2 and my T-Shirt Raynor's Raider (I took care to wear for the occasion)! xD As stated Ekynox, only 10 were dedicated to PC Starcraft 2, while 6 were for WoW: WotLK. There were about twenty players on average, a turnover acceptable, not too long. A small passage to salvation to all gamers of SC2, which were all well nice! The build presented at the ESL was the Leipzig Game Convention and not the Blizzcon, but given the number of changes between these 2 builds, it's not very serious. According Xordiah, the difference will be felt more with the arrival of the Beta (exclusive DATE, citing Xordiah: "soon" ... aheum).

Another exclusive from what I understood in that ear to people with a T-Shirt Blizzard, 2.0 also happen kits: Understanding is that additional features come with the release of 2 extensions SC2! Does features (such as audio-chat for example) have not had time to be implemented and are therefore deferred to the following outputs or talking about the new feature? The future will tell! I will not repeat what was said Ekynox or what we know already over the 08 Blizzcon, WWI 08 (I was there \ o /) or the GC ... However, I will speak more of personal feeling and "pre-strats" that I have seen / tested on the spot. Zerg player forever, I have not played any game in Protoss or Terran ... I have done in WWI and play against these breeds as Zerg where observe enough to appreciate the various new mechanical Thursday

The game is definitely more offensive / aggressive. It is difficult to adequately waller, and also means to have a prédispositioni camping and thus to lose (I know I exaggerate). Indeed, the choke-points no longer the only points of entry in a database (because, for example, phase prisms, colossus, nydus, reaper, etc. ...), it is better to attack and control the map rather than attempting to defend its land in the corner. Nothing really new actually ...

From a macro-management, self-MBS and mine are, although contested by all the "it was I who most of APM, the most significant. The game is generally more nervous side micro and macro was deported on economic choices (map control, taking the gas, etc.) rather than merely producing keyboard "5SZ 6SZ 7SZ 8SZ 9SZ 0SZ", I really appreciate that we avoid these unnecessary actions in a modern strategy game =) So the macro should be noted that begins with 6 peones, ten mineral spots and 2 spots of gas.

The peones 5 relate to mineral by A / R and 6 gas by A / R. The build-orders of SC1 took quite a blow, and so much the better. I will not speak more macro Xordiah since said that many things happen on this side ... We will therefore for the beta. Regarding now the micro-management, I will present in the form of strats per match-up, comparing sometimes (always?) For strats SC: BW. To give little weight to my impressions, I have not conceded any victory WE (well there was an Tied against my friend Tarcon the Protoss (who won in the long run, the timer fiou thank you) while iCCup on tonight, it was finally ... freelose good). Before that, I just want to say that I found the air very low / low playable, and anti-air very strong. That's it!

ZvZ: Outside the strats gay sunken-style attack, which are not supposed to happen ... although powerful since you can now move the sunken unlike SC: BW, there is a strategy that emerges quite of lot: zergling / Corruptor So why not Mutalisk Corruptor? Lair because the gas costs 200, that the Spire and Muta coutent such BUT MOSTLY because Mutalisks have ceased to be the same feeling that SC: BW. It seems most of the gargoyles War3. Gone is the magic-box, finished the hit & run ... 6 mutations are engulfed in photons / ca spores therefore not worth to be played in these conditions on this match-up. The roach are too playable either because of the cloud of zergling. Some baneling can make a difference in a fight on the ground between 2 large packs of mass-gling. On ZvsZ that I played, it was usually done on pool/extractor/hatch/hatch/T2/expand very much gling, and Corruptor + if hydra air. The Hydralisk is very strong against buildings and air ... Gling therefore occupy the soil, the Corruptor little air presence and some moisture the rest of the air support.

ZVT: In this match-up, I did not make long parties, but a lot of really sort the baneling. The basic mix would consist of zergling speed and baneling to play Terran barracks. Navies & marauder does not really make the weight against that mix. However, when the jackal (helion?) Arrives, it is better to have the roach to counter them. I noticed that the damage inflicted by the jackal were added once at the beginning of the animation of the jet flame, which means that the flames themselves play the "cooldown" of the attack. The animation is long, it must give time for roach to regenerate. By midgame, ça se corse, you need to expand ... For marine / marauder / jackal / tank / Medivac / nomad = very powerful. In contrast, the Medivac is quite fragile, therefore a good attack on several fronts with zergling / baneling / roach and Corruptor for Medivac may be a solution. As always, the Terran choper travel remains the most attractive alternative (the quid banelings buried?). I noticed something interesting late game ... The guardians are super interesting! Each attack producing broodlings, tanks start of the coup to take everywhere and the splash damage plays coup in favor of the Zerg. Their purpose is mainly to gain time.

ZvP: A match-up very interesting, and I played a lot (it's crazy how many there protoss). My standard strategy is to rush in first pool gling with speed (attention, BO SC: BW does not work at all) in harassing a maximum, while I go and B2 tech Roach. Then, fighting tough because when Roach arrived in front surement Stalker ago. Next mix distributions Protoss (dominant or Zealot Stalker), Techer to Baneling can become indispensable. Indeed, a Protoss zealot mass which becomes unmanageable for roach and that is where the banelings. If the Stalker is dominant, the zergling care of them while Roach manage Zealots. Then, if all goes well, take care of the map-control (B3/B4 take for example) and quickly climb on T3 to launch upgrades of Roach (regen-rate), Baneling (movment speed) and Zergling (adrenal glands ). If possible add Ultra (Ultra 400 gas anyway!) And play Nydus everywhere! Interestingly also in speaking of Nydus: It is possible to put the rally point of the hatchery on the Nydus, although it is possible to put a rally point for the release of Nydus. Thus, by concentrating all production Nydus to the Canal, the production is accessible anywhere on the map at any time (subject to the construction of Nydus "all over the map" ^.^). Moreover, in speaking of Nydus, I find it very convenient to expand in this way. It sends overs everywhere, on the creep is everywhere, we ask Nydus, and there is passing peons to launch hatches. Thus, it was already "the quick way" to go to defend expand across the map, what we could not do in SC: BW (since the creep missing).

PvT: The BO fast stalker (to replace fast goon BO) does absolutely nothing =) In fact, the BO goon working fast to SC: BW because goon was above the Terran infantry. From what I saw, this is not the case for Stalkers. At least not before Blink. Better to have Zealots with charge Stalker and some support. TA remain effective, and Immortal is super strong against a tank, even in the seat (an Immortal takes almost shot 2 tanks face ... well it also costs more than 2x Stalker). Few people played the Nullifier, but against a mecha Ran, I think that playing the anti gravity on Tanks would be a good addition. The mix is returning Zeze / Stalker / Immortal vs Jackal / Tank / Marine / Nomad.

PvP: Match-up not very interesting ... A watchword: map control and attention to the hidden pylons / phase prisms ... Because the warp-gates are very dangerous for now spawn. Also, do not s'empaller the photons that are, I find it quite tough. Here, classic, it plays zeze / stalker mainly vs. the same thing. In fact, the Stalkers are weak against zeze but adding Nullifier with the fate of wallblock and Blink could be a good addition. Also, the addition of an Archon (up to 35 of damage, which means that he shot the one-zerglings equal to upgrades) would be a good idea. The templars too expensive (and the skin of the psy-storm was not terrible (it is difficult to feel the power)), it is better to Techer Dark Obelisk and lay 2 DT Archon morphs into that of the Templar lay more expensive. Especially as the Dark Templar, génant therefore invisible to the opponent, is less than micro-consuming high templar.

TvT: Sorry but I dry ... I'll say it looks like SC: BW =) I have not seen anything great in some parts TvT held in WWI and ESL ... Especially since in the minds of players, the Terrans are still a race-based camping tent Quechua "2 seconds" ... Too bad because they have a potential offensive much stronger than before, especially thanks to its Nomad and auto-turrets. Please note, not engineering bay off more ... So we can no longer be used to map push. Voila voila ...

This is a first draft on a build outdated therefore does not mean much, especially since they had not played for weeks in SC2, it is difficult to refine strategies as it is of First take the benchmarks ... Strategies are therefore still very rough, but playing well, there will emerge the true power of the Nullifier for example ... I think that will be played by the mid-high level, being micro-consuming. Everything costs a lot of gas ... The current level of players is too low so that we can appreciate the difference a supportive micro-managed compared to someone who will not take the lead and simply massage!

Such beast in any Zerg vs Terran: Will I stay low-tech with Zergling (50/0/1) / Baneling (25/25/1) / Roach (75/x/x (I am ashamed of not having memorized)) or: mount T2 (200 gas) to the hydra den (100 gas?), to upgrade lurker (100 gas?), a hydra (100/100/x (ditto)), and Morph into lurker (x/100/x (re-idem))? Unlike eco required is rather large ... If we add to what the outcome of the battle will be based on some units (including the famous Lurkers unaffordable) ... There is no interest in planting micro-management ... Each lost lurker would feel like "a pain in the bottom of itself" ... While a good job taking the enemy in a pincer movement is less tiring to succeed =)

I just come back soon on some small detail which disappointed me slightly:

- The feeling of Mutalisk, which has become a gargoyle, not terrible to micro-manage
- The Hydralisk converted unit headquarters and anti-air ... as it is too radical change ... but I admit that it takes its new role ... it's just a matter of nostalgia, in fact, D
- The colossus disappointing in the build of the Game Convention, needs to be really improved as fragile, expensive, time-consuming to produce, etc ... Damage, when you see the impression of power it provides!
- The storm is naze psyonic visually: It seems very small and weak (down to 112 in tape 3sec). We want to feel the power!
- Overall, the air is low because not enough, too expensive, and easily countered by anti-aircraft units. I add comments if there are any questions, disagreements about my speech (which was read in its entirety), or if something important to me! In conclusion, what to say except that the game is very good start to a very big hit multiplayer, which is waiting with impatience and all that ... of course, "I <3 SC"! Banality powered, hard drive to finish a big pad like this = /