Q&A Batch8

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Hope everyone is excited for BlizzCon just around the corner (August 3-4). There will be loads of StarCraft II information, so if your not going to be at the event, make sure to check out the websites!

The BlizzCon website is at: http://www.blizzcon.com

Hope you enjoy this batch of questions elaborating a bit more on the Protoss faction. With BlizzCon in 2 days, we really didn't want to spoil your appetite for all the StarCraft II info there, yet we wanted to get your taste buds ready! Our next batch we'll give you even more info on the 'Warp-In' system, along with some Terran info!

Again, give devs and me a w00t! if you are enjoying these Q&As!

--Karune Briefing--
---StarCraft II Q&A Batch 8---

1) Will there be upkeep in StarCraft II?

No, there will not be.

2) What will be the highest number of upgrades for the shields, armor or weapons?

Currently, the highest number of upgrades per weapon/armor/shield type will be 3, which is the same as the original StarCraft. The values of each upgrade will be determined through much balance testing.

3) Will the StarCraft II Editor be easy or hard to use?

Blizzard game editors have always been aimed at empowering the community to create a huge variety of fun game modes and maps. This editor will be no different.

The editor for StarCraft II will be very easy to use for new players to create their own custom maps and games. Furthermore, this editor will have many more scripting options available to players, to allow for even more player creativity in their maps beyond that seen in prior RTS titles such as Warcraft III.

4) Will the Zealot charge ability cause more damage on the initial attack than on all other attacks?

No, the Zealot charge will close the distance between the Zealot and its target, which will be a significant advantage in many situations, compared to a Zealot without the upgrade, but will not actually give it more attack power or an initial stronger attack.

5) When selecting the Phase Prisms I noticed they have a 3rd, yellow meter below their shields and health. Is this meant to represent mana or storage capacity (warp-in capacity)?

This bar represents the Phase Prisms storage capacity, as it also serves as an aerial transport unit.

Mal wieder nichts weltbewegendes, aber war auch klar so kurz vor der blizzcon.


Xordiah hat sogar noch eine weitere, hochinteressante Frage beantwortet:

6) Nutzt die Überladen-Fähigkeit des Phönix Energie oder ist dies eine zeitgesteuerte Aufladung, ähnlich wie die Fähigkeit Transit?

Die Systemüberladung nutzt keine Energie, sie wird allerdings eine Abklingzeit haben nachdem sie einmal genutzt wurde.


Tippspielmeister 2012, Tippspielmeister 2019
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Sehr interessant, wobei man sich ein paar sachen auch hätte denken können (upgrades/editor).
Mitglied seit
Alles gute news, waren aber die meisten mit ein bisschen Verstand auch selbst zum herausfinden gewesen, aber die Blizzcon ist ja Gott sei Dank nicht mehr weit:D


oh man, kann mir schon die fragen in batch9 denken ala

1) do you plan to change the vespene geyser smoke from green to purple?

no, not at all. we want to keep the goold old starcraft flair.
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Eine weitere Frage wurde ebenfalls bereits aus Batch9 geleakt:

2) Do you plan to change the name of the SCV to SCIIV?

There are no plans of changing the name of the SCV at this moment.