Opinion Essay

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Falls jmd. die Zeit findet oder von Langeweile geplagt wird, ist es ihm/ihr gerne gestattet einen kurzen Englisch Text auf Grammatik- u. Rechtschreibfehler zu untersuchen.

Oppinion Essay

It is a well know fact that tv producers have to entertain, inform and grab large audience increasingly competitive media market. First of all there are many people who think that tv producers do a great job; there are also people who think they don`t care about the audience and do what they want. But tv producers do balance accuracy with exitement.

Being a tv producer isn`t a easy business today. I strongly believe that tv producers have a really exertive job to do. They must create a catchy programm to grab the observers attention every single day. It is very often forgotten that tv producers must look for different themes, movies, series, etc. all the time. In my eyes they are making it very exciting for the viewer. For example, most tv producers have their own day for criminal series, blockbusters, documanteries and stuff like that to make it more interesting.

Furthermore, how would live be without a tv, especially during the weekends. Everyone will agree that at the weekends are always very exciting or funny movies to watch. You can turn on the tv and will never be bored, because of the huge assortment that the tv producers offer to you. They are making even the advertisement thrilling during the movie. That means excitement all the time.

However, tv producers alltough offfer a new way of excitement. For example, the new package from Skype. You have to pay 20 euros per month to get the impressive bid. You can watch all Austrian Football League games and the whole Champions League. But that`s not all! You can watch all films in high definition and can buy as many new movies from the Skype video rental store as you want. In my eyes if you enjoy watching tv and don`t care about the price for it, there is no more excitement impossible.

To sum up, I believe tv producers are doing a great job to entertain and inform a huge audience. And there is defenately enough excitement in the way how they do it. There can`t be more agitation and I think tv producers will also balance accuracy with excitement in the future.
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Falls jmd. die Zeit findet oder von Langeweile geplagt wird, ist es ihm/ihr gerne gestattet einen kurzen Englisch Text auf Grammatik- u. Rechtschreibfehler zu untersuchen.

Op[]inion Essay

It is a well know fact that tv producers have to entertain, inform and grab large audience increasingly [in] competitive media market. First of all there are many people who think that tv producers do a great job; there are also people who think they don`t care about the audience and do what they want. But tv producers do balance accuracy with excitement.

Being a tv producer isn`t an easy business today. I strongly believe that tv producers have a really exertive job to do. They must create a catchy programm to grab the observers attention every single day. It is very often forgotten that tv producers must look for different themes, movies, series, etc. all the time. In my eyes they are making it very exciting for the viewer. For example, most tv producers have their own day for criminal series, blockbusters, documanteries and stuff like that to make it more interesting.

Furthermore, how [live] would [] be without a tv, especially during the weekends. Everyone will agree that at the weekends are always very exciting or funny movies to watch. You can turn on the tv and will never be bored, because of the huge assortment that the tv producers offer to you. They are making even the advertisement thrilling during the movie. That means excitement all the time.

However, tv producers alltough offfer a new way of excitement. For example, the new package from Skype. You have to pay 20 Euros per month to get the impressive bid. You can watch all Austrian Football League games and the whole Champions League. But that`s not all! You can watch all films in high definition and can buy as many new movies from the Skype video rental store as you want. In my eyes if you enjoy watching tv and don`t care about the price for it, there is no more excitement impossible.

To sum up, I believe tv producers are doing a great job to entertain and inform a huge audience. And there is definately enough excitement in the way how they do it. There can`t be more agitation and I think tv producers will also balance accuracy with excitement in the future.
sind aber einige 1:1 deutsche Formulierungen drin die nen Brite/Ami wohl kaum benutzen würde...und was soll das Accuracy im letzten Satz bedeuten? Die finden die Balance aus Zielgenauigkeit und Unterhaltung? :ugly:
Kommentare zum Inhalt an sich verkneif ich mir mal :ugly2:


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Im Ernst, ich hätte dir das Geschluder korrigiert, aber nach der zweiten Zeile war es mir dann doch zu doof. Benutz www.linguee.com oder www.dict.cc um Wörter nachzuschlagen und richtig zu schreiben, sogar mit der englischen Rechtschreibkorrektur in Word hättest du weniger Fehler gemacht. Einige Konstruktionen gehen absolut nicht klar und sind offensichtlich 1:1 übersetzt, mit etwas Googeln kommt man aber schnell an Standardphrasen. Mit Interpunktion, Grammatik und Stil fange ich gar nicht erst an, wenn du Hilfe bei deinen Hausaufgaben haben willst, investier wenigstens selbst ein Minimum an Aufwand.
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