Macbeth's letter to lady Macbeth

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My dear Lady,

Today was a day of victory. Banquo and I had to take on the thane of Cawdor and his Norwegian troops. We both fought like twenty men and the enemy was not able to rival with us. In the end the traitors ran away like cowards. Somehow word of our victory reached Duncan’s ears.

On our way back we passed the heath and three witches appeared at the beautiful sunset. They called me Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, and finally as the future King of Scotland. The weird sisters also predicted Banquos future. They said that he will be the father of kings. Their announcement struck me a blow. Especially because their first prophecy has approved. Do you know what that means? We are the new thanes of Cawdor, who own the castle and the whole land. If this was not just a fluke, then we two are gonna be the rulers of Scotland.

But do not tell anyone, because Banquo is indetermined what he should think. He warned me that the three weird sisters are evil and will not tell me the truth. I am not sur who I should trust. Banquo is my friend and a intelligent man, but becoming king of Scotland is a great opportunity. But what happens with king Duncan? He is a good and loyal king, I do not wanna see him dead.

Darling I am desperate and do not know what is to do. I hope you know how to react.

Yours truly,


Danke im Voraus.
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'gonna' ist wohl etwas umgangssprachlich, 'approved' soll wohl sowas wie 'came true' werden. 'sur' fehlt ein e. 'an intelligent man' muss es heissen. Wanna ist auch umgangsprachlich. Bei 'Banquos' fehlt einmal das Genitiv-Apostroph.

Allgemein muesste der ganze Text neu geschrieben werden, weils sehr holprig ist.
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gonna und wanna ist nicht "etwas" umgangssrpachlich, es ist schlichtweg falsch. unbedingt verbessern! sonst # yussuf
würds aber auch nicht neuschreiben, zu viel arbeit.